Qubits Implementation & Quantum Hardware 102

4 min readAug 27, 2020


As part of the peer learning series, Quantum Computing India had a session on Qubits Implementation & Quantum Hardware 102 by Nilay and Kedhar. Here’s a quick log of the session. In the end, you will find full video link.

Table of Contents

  • Reversible Circuits
  • Quantum Circuit Model
  • Introduction to Qubits

Reversible circuit

Irreversibility bits are lost. Eg- AND, XOR Reversible version of XOR — CNOT (controlled NOT)


no information is lost.

In principle — can be carried out with no heat released




Landauer’s principle

For every irreversible operation you do, a minimal amount of energy is dissipated: Q > ln2KbT based on 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

This limit is expected to be hit by 2050 !!!

Quantum Mechanics makes stringent requirements — A quantum system can never loose information over time.

Losing information means losing states meaning decreasing entropy.


Eg — AND,XOR or ADDER — very important operations. In reversible — we try to change the MODE of operation: add something in the output to make it a one one function. Thus, fundamentally different Eg — ADDER → ADDER — SUBTRACTOR its now like n equations in n variables — deterministic.

Reversible in ALL abstracts — even in physical implementation (transistor level operations) Algo -> HighLevel Lang -> Machine Code -> Computer Architecture -> Gate Level -> Physical Implementation

CNOT using electron spins as qubits — frequency required to flip the spin of an electron depends on the spin of neighboring electron. So, with a particular frequency, spin can be flipped only if the neighboring electrons spin is ni accordance — control qubits

In Principle, any unitary computation on n qubits can be done using CNOT and single qubit gates — Universal Gates.


  • NOT
  • Hadamard Gate (used to create superposition)
  • CNOT/Feynman
  • Toffoli Gate
  • Fredkin
  • Peres

Quantum cost —

It is basically number of primitive reversible gates such as C-NOT, and NOT gate ( both 2x2 as well as 1x1 ) utilized in constructing a quantum circuit.

Quantum Circuit Model

In terms of Matrices — always unitary

Classical to Quantum —
These gates are mostly used in quantum circuits, and are implemented in a classical way on FPGAs.

Which gates to use? depends on our vertical!

Physical Implementation depends on the technology or the physical property that we decide to exploit.

Introduction to Qubits

  • Classical bit

Bit — smallest unit of information in computing in classical world

  • BJT

CMOS technology -

  • Quantum Bit

Same abstract idea — but in quantum realm — any system that can store superposition information of multiple states can be used as a Qubit.


Physical Property as State

1. Polarization (Polization Qubit)

2. which of the two paths the photon is travelling (Dual Rail Qubit)

  • 3. whether the photon is arriving early or late (Time-bin Qubit)

-State Measurement

Photon Detectors

Logic Implementation —

  • Solely using beam splitters, phase shifters and mirrors(45 deg)
  • Very .stable over long distances — Would prove very useful in QKD

>Mbps, >400km


  • Hard to achieve — single photon source
  • Quantum Dot:
  • Omnidirectional — can be narrowed down to some extent using resonators
  • Not very deterministic — difficult to scale up to large number of qubits
  • no mass or charge => hard to locate or measure. Leads to high error probability
  • Aligning all the beams to process photons at the correct angle and timing

Here’s is the complete link of the video —




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