Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

Trust Your Struggle

Suffering is Optional. Struggle is Not.


I wrote about the Nature of Suffering and Jordan Peterson’s belief that it is an “incontrovertible fact is that Life is Suffering.” Language is an imprecise medium, so context is everything.

To say that Life is Suffering to me is incredibly pessimistic. I believe that our journey on this planet is a quest to transcend suffering and desire and live in a state of joy, peace, and balance. Sean Stephenson has an amazing mission to cure humanity of insecurity. Joe Rogan tears up recalling a Fear Factor triumph. Victor Frankl, the author of Man’s Search For Meaning, wrote about his experiences in the Nazi death camps, and his struggle for survival and sanity. Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose.

If meaning is the antidote to suffering, then struggle is the practice.

The Forgotten Generation

I’m part of Generation X. In January 2019, CBS News forgot about us. In the Vanity Fair article, Why Generation X Might Be Our Last Best Hope, it states, “Irony and a keen…

