12 reasons why Kotlin is a new must-have for Android application development

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5 min readMay 29, 2019

Until now Android app development solutions were only composed of Java as a programming language, but this language has started becoming less-preferable for Android apps as it demands lengthy and time-taking codebase, lacks modern updates & is sometimes prone to errors.

It was May 2017 when Google announced that it will start supporting the new programming language called “Kotlin” developed by the JetBrains. This new language is a great alternative to old & slow java language and compiles well with JVM (Java Virtual Machine) byte code — stated by custom Android app development services.

Many Android application development services have started delving Kotlin in their codebase as it offers smooth IDE (Integrated Development Environment), forms precise & crisp writing of codes and is easy to integrate into the Java code.

Well, these are just a few reasons why Kotlin is a preferred programming language for Android apps, Quantumsoftech — an Android applications development company in the following post will continue to tell you 12 other advantages of absorbing this language in such native app.

  1. Excellent interoperability with Java language
  • Kotlin is 100% interoperable & compatible with Java.
  • All the desired tools & frameworks are easy to add inside the Kotlin projects, without having the need to change the entire project into Java.
  • If you decide to switch your project from one language to other like from Java to Kotlin or Kotlin to Java — it is that easy. You can even have these two languages together in a single project — this thing won’t mess up with the project’s functionality & scalability. You would still have a robust output.

2. Offers concise & crisp coding

  • Kotlin like Java doesn’t require lengthy & vast coding lines, it can solve the complexity or purpose of the project in a few lines only.
  • This language’s codes are reliable & results in fewer crashes & bugs on the UX side.
  • The language is easier to maintain, read & apply changes whenever required.
  • Kotlin’s features like properties, type interface, smart casts & data classes offer great conciseness to the entire codebase.

3. Was developed with the purpose of boosting the productivity of a project

  • Kotlin’s concise coding, intuitive syntax & clean language design helps in writing, deploying & maintaining codes, that easy — which yields scalable & productive outputs.
  • The language is power pact with robust & scalable features like — Extension functions, parameter values & object declarations that make the every development process easy, simple & quick.

4. Have great support from search engine “Google”

  • Google during its I/O annual summit in 2017 said that it will be greatly supporting Kotlin as a programming language for all the Android app development projects.
  • Many Android app development services providers have now started incorporating this language for the Android applications development as it is Google supported and greatly supports IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and Android studio features.

5. One can observe the great extension of functionalities

  • Just like C++ & Gosu (general purpose programming languages), the Android app developers can develop Kotlin functions with certain operators & extensions.
  • The language allows the easy composition of class with the new functionality without even inheriting the class.
  • Android app developer under Kotlin can easily extend the functionality of classes — without even disturbing the existing codebase.

6. The language hosts smart & safe compilers

  • The language hosts compilers that are smart enough & even writes huge part of coding all by itself. Which helps in saving up most of the time & efforts of Android apps development services.
  • Even performs a lot of checks which helps in decreasing the runtime errors & number of bugs in the codes.
  • It leverages the “fail-fast” principle which helps in estimating or detecting the errors at the compile stage only rather than during the runtime stage.

7. The language allows easy use of Java’s frameworks & libraries

  • It is easy to use frameworks & libraries of Java inside Kotlin programs.
  • The language allows easy integration with the automation tools for Java projects like Apache Maven, Gradle & more.

8. Much safer & trusted codes

  • It is said that a concise, compact & clear code is definitely a secure code. Thus, the Kotlin having all three qualities can be said as a secure language.
  • The language being compact allows fewer errors and doesn’t propagate to crashes or system failures.
  • Thus, it helps the Android mobile app developer to write more robust & stable codes during the development phase.

9. The language is easy to manage

  • The language is a one-stop solution for all kind of mobile development projects as it supports a variety of IDEs & Android studios.
  • The language allows easy use of already tried & adopted tools for development — that the developers are comfortable with. It gets easy to maintain the codebase with already used tools.

10. Helps greatly with Server-side development

  • Kotlin language being compatible with Java Virtual Machine (JVM) seamlessly supports the server side development.
  • This programming language allows scalable usage of frameworks like Spring, Ktor, Kotlinx.html, Vert.x and many more for Android app development.

11. The language is versatile as it is “object-oriented & “functional” both

  • The language has both object-oriented & functional constructs that can be used in any programming.
  • Under a single project, developers can use & mix elements of both the styles.
  • Kotlin offers great features like Lamdas, function types, high-order functions & more that helps in delivering scalable Android apps development.

12. Kotlin setup is easily available

For those who are worried about how costly this language is and how costly your development project with Android developers can turn into, there is a sigh of relief as the language is free source & available for free — the projects won’t turn into a costly investment.

Hire dedicated Android developer who knows how to utilize this language to your fullest use for Android app needs.

These were the few reasons explaining how this language is becoming a new must-have for native mobility solutions.

About us!

Quantumsoftech is a technology-based Android app development company that utilizes powerful technologies & programming languages to build the most scalable, profitable & attractive looking Android apps. We turn every basic perception into the most selling & trending app.

Contact us to unveil our greatest Android-supported tools, right away!




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