5 trends iOS app development company will fit in your business app in 2019

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4 min readJan 15, 2019

Through compiled sources, it was found out that iOS is having a 13.16% market share worldwide after Windows & Android”.

Since inception, Apple with its iOS systems has become a pioneer of the technology in terms of allowing businesses to run their business apps more freely yet with some cool automated features.

Well, there is greater role played by an iPhone app development company that builds your app all rich in look & feel from scratch based on your business thoughts & platform’s (iOS) compatibility.

If you are a business that is planning to spread their venture to masses & looking to hire iOS developers, then there are few trends that Quantumsoftech feel you must know in this 2019 — before you start with your development process.

  1. Improved Swift 5 for your cross-platform applications

Do you know around 3,50,000 apps( native iOS & MacOS) are written with Swift on the app store? There is no doubt why this language has been ranked number 1 programming language for the applications development as it serves simplicity, scalability & safety.

The iOS app development company believes that there is a bright future for this programming language as it will be more advanced in its updates to lead to faster & more secured applications development. There are more folds to come that will make the iOS apps more functional yet agile.

2. iOS & their security policies

Breach or hack of data is not only the worst nightmare these days but reality too. With advancement in technology, the hackers have also advanced. To beat them, Apple has prepared few security policies for the applications development.

For this, Apple made ATS i.e. Apple Transport Security compulsory for the iOS applications that are newly published.

The company made a provision that all the iPhone & iPad app data is supposed to be read inside the virtual “glass case” (made by OS) only. The data that will be accessed outside this glass case will be refused in an instant.

Even the iPhones of today are embedded with features & options that can prevent data hacks. So if you plan to have iOS app development services, make sure they know what new security features are all there that you must have in your application — to make it more secure & malware free.

3. Your application will connect with all your devices — with IoT

Statista predicted — 75 million devices to be connected via IoT network that too by 2020”

Apple has been stressing over components & features that will allow features of iOS applications to commute with different handheld or wireless devices under a single network that too with a tap. Isn’t it like a dream to connect with one touch? Of course, it is!

Apple’s Homekit is a software framework that helps iOS devices to communicate, control, configure smart home appliances through a simple voice dictation by voice assistance “Siri”. This framework allows easy integration of applications with devices.

With years to come, this IoT connectivity will become more bold & demanding. Businesses that wish to have automated actions within their business functions must communicate this trend to their iOS app developers.

4. No more transaction hassles with Apple pay

Do you know the transactions via Apple pay wallet has increased by 500% since their release in 2012?

This means the public is definitely looking forward to utilizing this aspect by Apple to lead to more smooth & secured transactions.

As it doesn’t create the hassles to carry a debit/credit card or bank details each time you book tickets or order food online.

Businesses who are planning to communicate their business via iOS app must notice this trend too & must ask their application development company to integrate payment gateway with Apple pay — a revolutionary wallet of future’s non-monetary transactions to retain those precious customers.

5. More power to AR/VR or what else 3D maybe!

The Apples’ ARkit 2 is more powerful & engaging now as it has more powerful 3D object detection, ability to build the AR for apps to give shared experience to different users within the same AR environment and object.

Each user will be able to see the same AR based object with the help of their devices that too from different angles.

It means businesses will be able to entice their audience with applications that can easily integrate well with such virtual reality methods now — this seems inviting to more quality user experience & long chain of the target audience.

Final Words!

The year 2019 promises to bring new innovations & improvements in the development process of iOS apps about which a professional iOS app development company like Quantumsoftech is aware of.

If you are planning to build your customised iOS-based app, reach out to us with your business specifications & we will work with our diligence to give you the industry’s best output, for sure.

Contact us today and see what your business might be missing!




Quantumsoftech is a leading web and mobile app development company . We offer a range of web development, app development, API integration and many more.