Top 7 Reasons to Opt AngularJS for Web Application Development

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3 min readDec 24, 2019

Technologies are upgrading by the time is passing. As a result, we are experiencing some great inventions happening in the IT market. When we talk of web app development, the first thing that comes in our mind is coding, coders and different coding languages. Among all different coding languages (Java, C#, C+, C++, SWIFT, SQL), AngularJS has emerged as one of the most popular these days and loved by the developers in major. Also, if stats are taken into account still AngularJS comes up on the top of every coding language. Different AngularJS development companies in USA/India are using this framework to develop web and mobile applications. Quantumsoftech is a tech-driven AngularJS development company in India that serves multiple apps and web development services using this framework at large.

In this blog, we will be discussing the reasons which are responsible for the growing popularity of AngularJS worldwide. Sit back and go through the lines, we have everything you need to know about the secret of AngularJS’s popularity among the web and app developers. Before going to that, we should know what AngularJS is.

Different reasons listed below are behind AngularJS popularity

Introduced by Google in 2009, AngularJS is one of the most popular and widely used JavaScript frameworks which helps developers in easing the process of coding and overall development process. It consists of everything that eventually makes it easier for the development of web applications. There are several AngularJS development companies in the USA that are capable of providing services as per the client’s requirements.

AngularJS is an advanced framework introduced by Google. The intent behind creating it was to make front-end development simplifies and easy at the same time. Despite the innumerable plugins and frameworks available in the market, website owners choose to go for AngularJs development services. So, here are some reasons behind the AngularJSs’ popularity.

  • Ease of Use: AngularJS blended with some enriched features makes it easy for AngularJS web app development. By omitting code writing Angular JS helps in saving a lot of time as well as developers’ efforts.
  • Requires Less Coding: Less coding is required for the AngularJS developers because the data models are quite simple that requires no getters/setters.
  • Two-way Data Binding: This functionality offered by AngularJS is one of the finest ones. With the help of the angularJS framework, the user actions and modules changes take place simultaneously.
  • Testing gets easier: After the introduction of AngularJS testing get pretty easier. It allows easy manipulation of different parts of the application.
  • Comes along with filters: Developers are offered different filters for numbers, lowercase, uppercase, currency, data and more. It provides developers with an option to create one’s filter.
  • Development of Single Page Application: AngularJS allows for developing a Single Page Application as these have become the most popular thing.
  • Enhanced Community Support: Since Google has developed AngularJS, it has a large community of Google+ AngularJS community with different AngularJS developers.

We can’t just compare every framework with each other and term anyone o them the best. Despite doing so, we can compare them on their usability and the features they offer and the advantages they serve to the clients. However, because of the reasons mentioned above, developers tend to use AngularJS for the development of web applications. That’s why it is termed as one of the dynamic frameworks in the coding fraternity. Whyn’t use Angular then?

If you are looking to hire AngularJS developers then you should contact the leading player in this area of expertise such as Quantumsoftech. We are a technology-driven company that offers top-class AngularJS app development services. You can simply hire AngularJS developers from our company. Our developers possess the quality of delivering web and mobile applications following the latest coding standards. They will assist you by delivering the best AngularJS development service to you which they are doing for a couple of years worldwide.




Quantumsoftech is a leading web and mobile app development company . We offer a range of web development, app development, API integration and many more.