Why AngularJS Development is Popular Among Web App Developers?

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4 min readFeb 25, 2020

AngularJS web development is one of the trending and hot topics nowadays in the field of web application/portal development. If you’re a tech-savvy individual and have some knowledge about what programming is and how different languages affect web portal development, then you might know how AngularJS allows building feature-rich-single webpage applications. It is a JavaScript framework that generally extends the HTML DOM with additional attributes.

However, there is a lot of programming languages in the web development industry such as Python, JavaScript, CSS / HTML, C++, PHP and much more. However, AngularJS is known for maintaining web infrastructures with ease. AngularJS web development company is known for using MVC architecture of this language that enables designing feature-rich internet applications.

The experimental MVC framework has now been a well supported stable framework. It was launched in 2009 by Google and is the most widely used and one of the most popular Javascript frameworks. AngularJS is loved by the developer because it provides ease and simplicity in the overall development process.

Why AngularJS Development Services Leading On Top? — 5 Reasons

AngularJS plays the most vital role in front-end development. Front-end development deals with making the website look like it should because that’s where your users will see and communicate with. These details include graphics, images, animations, navigation menus and much more. This why different companies are keen to hire angularJS developers and handy front-developers. However, when we talk about the popularity of AngularJS is because of different reasons mentioned.

#1 MVC Architecture is much more Simplified

AngularJS utilizes Model View Controller (MVC) engineering to bring the advancement of web applications. The developers need to component the application and AngularJS handle everything else. To implement MVC, all you’re required to do is split your application and AngularJS completes everything else.

#2 Both-ways Data Binding

Considered one of the most fascinating features, the two-way binding allows AngularJS to get more popularity with the time. Fresh cycles for the view and model are not necessary as they made them prone to bugs.

#3 Less Coding is required than Usual

AngularJS developers needn’t code more as compared to the developers who code in other programming languages. AngularJS’s data models are quite simpler which requires no getters/setters. This allows modification of the data by using the filter without any making any manipulation in the controllers.

#4 Development of Single Page Application

Responsiveness is all that counts when you work on the front-end. This is why AngularJS is getting popularity these days. It offers developers to work on responsiveness in a single page application.

#5 Real-Time Testing of Your Web App

You don’t need to wait long for the testing of a web application if you are working with this programming language. You should know that Angular JS comes with real-time and in-built modules to support in-depth and functional testing for every module you build. As JavaScript, testing is an inbuilt function of the AngulJS.

Tools Used by AngularJS Development Company

AngularJS is one of the most favored frameworks of the developers. Clearly, creating coding with a discalced is the dreariest task. Here are some of the supporting tools that are utilized for testing, front-end development, and IDE editorial manager.

Protractor: It is a Node.JS application program that is based on WebDriverJS. Protractor runs on the genuine browser which additionally provides end to end testing.

Djangular: With this tool, you could make AngularJS content material for each application. It delivers a reusable application that permits better application integration with AngularJS.

Karma: Karma is one of the supported Test Runner for JavaScript. To check your application and site on a sort of various gadgets, Karma gives the ideal test condition. It has an unconventional characteristic that allows developers to run a test in the actual ecosystem.

Mocha.js: It is a feature-rich framework that runs on Node.js and Browser, making testing straightforward and fun.

Ment.io: It bears the adaptability to software developers because of its jQuery freedom. This instrument underpins macros and notices gadgets. Subsequently, it expands the adaptability to apply Ment.io straightforwardly to any part.

Final Words

Concluding, we can say AngularJS comes with numerous controls, services, modules, and directories. Clearly, AngularJS development is one of the best front-end frameworks that has earned a lot of popularity and is in demand among web developers around the world.




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