The Getty Challenge: a Perfect Storm of Quarantined Creativity

What do you get when human creativity and the internet collide? This time, it’s the Getty Challenge: a perfect storm of quarantined creativity that’s forced us to stop what we’re doing and marvel as we scroll.

Ryan McGuire
Quarantine Chronicles


Our Favourites

We’ve already seen some masterpieces, as isolation proves an excellent catalyst for creativity. Many turned themselves into models and played dress-up:

Some shot for the stars and tried to recreate more abstract works, with some dazzling ingenuity:

Others took to their pantries to see what ‘art supplies’ they could gather. Some did it with pizza.

This one just did it with everything else in the kitchen and nailed it.

We could fill entire libraries with the recreations that people have submitted, but we’ll just let you browse Twitter at your leisure.

No Prompt Necessary

We’d be remiss if we didn’t remind you that you can exercise your creativity in a very similar way without a prompt — enter Low Cost Cosplay. He’s one of the most worthy follows on the internet. This guy can dress up as anything, with anything. Don’t believe us? Here he is cosplaying a goldfish by sticking oranges to his face.

Low Cost Cosplay — also known as Anucha Saengchart — has been doing this for years, and has even made a career out of it. Still, his budget-conscious creativity has risen to hilarious new levels during the quarantine. Here he is recreating a famous scene from The Matrix, but presumably with about 0.001% of the budget.

Seriously, you should be following him.

We’ll leave you with our favorite example, and one that’s close to our hearts. BSTRO’s superstar Creative Director, Antonio, and his very cooperative pup took on Johannes Vermeer in their own submission for the Getty Challenge.

We proudly present Hula: the girl without the pearl earring.

Stay safe, folks.

