110 Development Terms to Know

Ever had a hard time understanding the development world lingo? We’ve put together a list of 110 dev terms we use daily in the Quark office. Command+f to find a specific word!

Cassie Ferrick
QuarkWorks, Inc.
22 min readAug 12, 2020


Photo by @thisisengineering on Pexels.com



AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a machine/computer/program that mimics human intelligence. AI over the years has grown to encompass several different areas of function. It has many subcategories, one of the most well known being Machine Learning. AI can be used for anything from creating characters that can play games and have conversations just as a human would, or doing tasks like sewing or building products.


AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. AMP’s are mobile HTML pages that are very basic and simple, allowing for quick and easy interactions. The goal of AMP’s is to make mobile applications and web browsing easier for users. By simplifying HTML and following a certain CSS format, you can create an AMP.


Android is an open-source operating system, much like iOS. It was developed by Google. Being open-source, any device can use the Android operating system, and creators and users can manipulate their Android running devices to function in unique and customizable ways.


API — Application Programming Interface — is a set of commands that an app sends to an external source to complete an action or get information. API’s are usually standard for certain operating systems because it is built into the system itself. API’s define exactly how an action will work within a program and what the result of an action will be when apps are talking to servers over the internet.


Known commonly as an “App” these are programs that have specific functions or abilities that a user accesses. Apps you are most familiar with are probably the apps on your phone which are mobile apps. Apps also appear on other devices, like your laptop for instance. There are also web apps which appear in your browser and function like apps but are websites. It’s a very broad term encompassing any program a user is accessing.


Async is an aspect of coding that allows for a developer to work on another piece of code while one set of code is completing.


Attributes are information about elements of your HTML code. The attribute is anything that tells you information about that specific line of code like its placement, size, etc.

Automation Testing

Automation Testing is using an automated tool to do QA tests on an application or program. Typically the automated tests complete a repetitive task that would otherwise be time-consuming to do manually.


Back End

Back End refers to development work on websites and applications that affect the core functionality and processes that make the product work. The user does not see any of this in action like they do the front end development. Back end development makes things happen, it is what makes the gears turn, rather than the visual of the gears actually turning.


A backlog is basically a to-do list for developers. It is a list of tasks that need to be completed but are waiting for their time in the shadows.

Backward Compatible

Backward Compatible software is software that can work on older versions of that same software. Think Apple products being able to run on outdated operating systems, Microsoft Applications being able to read files from years past, Xbox and PS4’s working with controllers from old systems, and so on.


A branch in development is a copy of a codeline that you want to edit but do not want to disturb the original version. Branches are for when you are developing one aspect of a project, you ensure you are not affecting other aspects. It’s used so that finished code and in-progress code can be kept separate.


Breadcrumbs are used by operating systems, websites and programs to make navigating easier. They work by displaying to you the steps you took to reach a certain location. They easily allow you to trace your steps backward. A good example of this is the finder application. When you click into multiple files, your steps are displayed at the top. Those are your breadcrumbs.


A browser is an application used to access the internet and to search for and access websites.


A bug is another name for an error that occurs in code that can disrupt the experience for the user or any functions of the application or program.

Build Automation

Build Automation is the creation of software that essentially builds itself. Instead of a developer manually building something, build automation allows for a simple and automated process to take place in which a program slowly codes itself and deploys itself. The goal is to allow for fewer errors and better Dev Ops processes.



A cache stores recently accessed data so that it can be reached easily the next time a user wishes to access said data. Your browser storing your login information and pulling it up for you automatically is a good example of a cache in action.


In true ELI5 fashion — A call back is the result of a command. One would make the command for something to happen once another thing happens, and when it is completed, you would receive the callback.


Ciphertext is the unreadable format that an encryption algorithm transforms encrypted data into. It is usually non-sensical strings of letters and numbers that are translated back to the original readable text form when it reaches its determined recipient and is unlocked.


Cloud refers to information/data being stored on a remote server, rather than your computer. Apple’s iCloud is one of the most well-known cloud servers. They offer the capability to store information, mainly photos, on an external server, rather than your iPhone, to save room on your phone. Even services like Google Docs are a cloud platform. All of your information is stored in their remote servers.


CMS, aka, Content Management Systems, are programs/applications that are used to create/edit/maintain a website. CMS’s are usually easy to navigate. Wordpress is a CMS.


A codebase is the collection of source code that makes up a particular app, website or program.


A cookie is a piece of data that is generated by a website that you visit and saved by your web browser. Cookies can remember login information for you, recently viewed items, as well as certain preferences you may have for the sites you visit. Cookies can be two different types, persistent and session. Persistent cookies are remembered for long periods of time, eventually being erased after a few days to a few years. Session cookies are only remembered while a user is active on a session. They disappear after you leave the website, or close your tabs.


A commit is a change to a file or project. When you commit something, you are marking intervals at which you made changes. This way, you can easily go back through your commits to determine where you made certain changes. This can be helpful if you need to go back and change something at a very specific time.


A CPU, or, Central Processing Unit, is the primary component of a computer that processes incoming and outgoing information/instructions. It controls the operating system and applications, taking actions based on the instructions it receives. Think of it like a very powerful middle man. You click on something, telling the CPU you want to open that application. The CPU takes that instruction and opens the application for you.


Crawling is what search engines do when they visit your website and analyze it to see what pages exist on the website as well as valuable information about those pages to determine where in the search results those pages should appear. Websites are crawled periodically by the search engines to determine if the content has changed and its’ position in the search results needs to be changed. Crawling can also determine that pages should be removed from search results if it finds corrupt pages.


(Customer Relationship Management) CRM can refer to the actual management of customer relationships, but in the tech world, it refers to the software and programs that help make the relationship between business and customers easier. It is software that can contain information about customers such as names, addresses, buying history, etc.


(Cascading Style Sheets) CSS describes how HTML is supposed to be laid out. CSS ensures developers have a clean, organized and uniform look for their pages. Once the style is created, it can be replicated across all other pages, making consistency much easier.


A CTA (Call-to-action) is a button located on a website that tells a user to do something. It usually is prominent on the page because you need the user to know that taking the action is important. Examples of CTA buttons you might see are donation buttons, sign-ups, buying a product, etc.



Declarations are part of CSS where you insert a command for a property such as text size inside curly brackets. {command here, value}


To debug something is to fix small errors within code, or to erase the ‘bugs’ present in code.


DevOps is sort of the baby of Development and IT (operations). Think of DevOps as a process that you follow when developing. It works under the framework of agile development. It is geared towards improving collaborations between operations and development teams. The process includes a DevOps manager who is the translator between the developers and the operations team. They relay updates the operations team needs implemented, and pass finished updates from the development team to the operations team when they need to be pushed into production. The end goal is faster production.


Domain can mean a couple of different things. It can refer to ‘domain name’ which is a unique name that identifies a website. All domain names end in a suffix such as .com, .co (like us!), .org, and so on. No domain name can be the same, except if they have different suffixes.
Domain can also refer to a central network that multiple computers are connected to. Setting up a domain can block unauthorized computers from joining the domain to ensure security. These are usually used by work or school setting computers so an admin computer can view and control the other computers.



Elements are individual HTML components. Text paragraphs or boxes are an example of this. Elements are made up of opening and closing tags that denote the start and end of the text paragraph. Example:


Encryption is the process by which data is transformed into an unreadable state for safe storage or transferring. When data is encrypted it becomes scrambled ciphertext (strings of letters and numbers with no sense) via an algorithm. This scrambled mess is locked and sent to the recipient who is the only network or user that is allowed to unlock the file and de-scramble/translate the sent data. During the transfer, if the file is intercepted, it is unreadable to anybody except the determined recipient because they are not allowed the “key” to open the encrypted files.


ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. You may also hear EAS (Enterprise Application Software) used in tandem with each other. It is software that is used to integrate different systems and programs to make businesses’ data flow easily between internal or external sources. Think systems used by HR, accounting, product management, etc.



Firewalls are systems that protect secured networks from unsecured networks. They are a type of gateway that data must pass through in order to be received. They are meant to filter out data from networks that are unsecured so that any chance of malicious or corrupted data is not passed through, or passed with permission. Firewalls also filter the data leaving a network, but that is usually for minimizing the risk of spam/hacking of a user. Firewalls filter data by referring to blacklists and whitelists that contain information on networks that are trusted or notorious for being untrustworthy. Firewalls can also be customized to filter any content you wish, and some are so adaptable that they can learn from themselves and filter new data it thinks is harmful without any commands to do so.


A framework is a suite of programs that a developer uses to code in a particular language. They are collections of programs, usually grouped together in one place to make certain undertakings easier in a respective language.

Front End

Front End refers to Front End Development. This is the component of development that creates the visual aspects of a project. It is the features that are viewable by a user. This includes the layout and where something is on a page, the colors, the text, etc.



A gateway is a component of network hardware that allows for data to flow between networks. For each network, there is a gateway which is the point at which all data coming in or out must pass through. Examples of this include your home router, proxy servers, or firewalls. Gateways take incoming data and translates them into readable formats for the user. For outgoing data, it translates the data into the form in which it needs to be in to be sent via networks. When it arrives at its location, it is translated back to a readable format.


Git is a Version Control System (VCS) that helps manage projects and keep code organized. It is widely used because of the features that allow features to easily store code as well as edit code without damaging past implementations, etc.

Git commit

A commit is a change to a file or project. When the phrase Git Commit is used, it means you have committed changes to your local Github repository (repo). Commits in Github give you a unique code/hash that defines the exact changes made in that commit so you can easily review past versions of a file.


Github is a web service used by developers to collaborate on projects as well as store information about a certain project on a central hub. It uses git, a VCS. It allows for projects to be easily edited and merged by multiple team members. Team members don’t have to constantly share files back and forth, instead, everyone can access the files that are ever-changing via the hub.

Git Repository

A git repository is a folder within your Github project that contains all of the code used for a certain project. It contains all traces of edits and past versions.


(Graphical User Interface) GUI is a system/form of user interface that allows users to interact with graphical pictures or icons, rather than text. It includes the ability to interact with graphics as well as the ability of the graphics to change color, shape, size, etc.



(Hypertext Markup Language) is the coding language that is used to build websites. It tells web browsers how something should be displayed. HTML only covers form/function and text, CSS and Javascript cover style and behavior/interactivity respectively. As of this writing, the latest version of HTML is HTML5 which has a focus on mobile devices as well as multimedia and graphic content.

Hybrid App

A Hybrid App contains elements from both Web Apps and Native Apps, they are designed for both web & mobile use. Hybrid Apps are built with languages like HTML, CSS and Javascript rather than an OS-specific language.


IP Address

(Internet Protocol Address) is a unique string of numbers/letters that is the identification for your device on the internet or local network.


An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is software for building applications that combines multiple tools like editing source code, debugging, build automation, etc.


Implementations is the process of making something active in code. Writing the code, then pushing it out is implementing something.

In Dev

“In dev” is lingo developers use to describe something that is in the process of being developed.


iOS (iPhone Operating System) is the operating system that Apple products such as iPhones and iPods use. To program for iOS you would need to use Objective-C or Swift.



Javascript is a programming language that is used to make web pages interactive. After CSS and HTML, it is the element of programming a website that allows buttons to be interacted with and pages to move how you want.


404 — Nothing to see here!

(No really, we couldn’t come up with any K words.)


Again…we’d Love to give you an L word….but we didn’t create the dictionary.



Merging is another word for integrating. Merging, or merging code, is when a developer combines edited code with past code to create the version they desire.


Metadata is data about other data. It can include all kinds of information about a certain element, program or object. This kind of data is not visible but can be accessed for additional information about something. Keywords and meta tags are a type of metadata.

Meta Tag

Meta Tags are additional information on websites that help with SEO optimization. They are little content descriptors. They are important because they tell search engines what is on your page.


ML, aka, Machine Learning is a subset of AI. Machine Learning is the ability of a software or application to learn from and interpret data by interacting with other data in order to gain new knowledge on a topic without being programmed to have that knowledge. Here’s an example: advertisement algorithms. Those algorithms learn that you like a certain product because you either interact with that product or have friends who like that product. Then, by taking your data about what you like, as well as someone else’s data who may like the same things you like, it can recommend a product to you that it thinks you will like based off what it has learned from your data as well as data surrounding the tastes of people who like that product.


Mobile refers to small and easily transportable devices like cellphones and tablets.


MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. An MVP is a product that is constructed very simply but still serves an intended purpose. MVP’s are important for testing an app in its early days or for hard deadlines but you’d never want to just settle for an MVP. The goal is to go in after you see how the bare bones are working out and add more complex elements as well as refactoring.


Native Apps

Native Apps are apps that are built for and run strictly on the Operating System they were built for. They can not be downloaded on a different operating system nor would they even function correctly. This can get a bit confusing when I tell you that apps like Facebook and Twitter are native apps as well. They can be downloaded on both iOS and Android, but the apps are built on entirely different programs. iOS Twitter can not run on Android devices and vice versa. Same app, same functions, same look, different building materials.


Navigation seems almost self-explanatory. There’s different types of navigation, such as breadcrumbs. But typically you’ll see this as referring to the navigation menu on a website that will direct you to the different pages you want to go to.


NFC (Near Field Communication) is the name for transferring data to nearby devices wirelessly via short-distance radio waves. Think Apple Pay, Airdrop or even pairing your phone to speakers.


NLP (Natural Language Processing) is a branch of AI that helps computers and software understand how to emulate and interpret human language. Think of Alexa or Google Home. Imagine they speak a language (which they do — code!) NLP is their ability to hear what you say, interpret it in their natural language (code), complete the action you requested, and then give you a response back in your language.



OOP, aka Object-Oriented Programming, is a programming methodology that focuses on objects rather than functions or procedures.

Open Source

If something is open source it is available for anyone and everyone to use.

Operating System

An Operating System is the software that supports the basic functions of a computer and communicates with the hardware of the computer to run programs. iOS is the operating system for Apple products and Android is the operating system for many mobile phones, tablets, and other smart gadgets. There are several different types of operating systems for different products.



A pipeline is a string of elements that are lined up for a developer to complete. Once one task is completed, it exits the pipeline and a new task to be completed enters the pipeline, to be completed in sequential order


Plugins are add-ons, extensions or modules that can be added to programs or systems for improved or added functionality.


Properties are characteristics within CSS that determine colors and fonts.

Pull Requests

Pull Requests are when a developer submits a request in Git to add a contribution to a project that is in development.



QA stands for Quality Assurance. It is testing to ensure that a product by a company is at its best possible quality. In tech this usually is completed by a QA team who coordinates with the developers and designers to ensure that new implementations are successful and the final launch has all elements required for best possible customer satisfaction. They also perform tests on the product after launch to ensure it continuously functions with fidelity.



These are both types of computer memory. RAM (Random Access Memory) is the memory built into the computer that the operating system and programs use to function. Users can manipulate this information and it changes with the programs running. Once the computer is turned off, the information stored disappears. ROM (Read Only Memory) is the memory built into the computer that tells the computer how to wake up and shut down. It can not be manipulated and none of the information goes away once the computer is turned off.


A redirect is an automatic forwarding from one URL to another. Examples of this include a company changing their URL so they set up a redirect (known as a 301 Redirect) from their old URL to their new URL so customers are not left short-handed if they don’t know the new URL. Link shorteners such as bit.ly also function by redirecting.


To refactor your code means to go in after the code is established and clean it up without changing how it functions. You would want to do this so it is easier to read or more simple. This helps in case further work needs to be done on the code.

Repository (Repo)

A repository is a central location or hub where data is stored. You may hear this term when somebody asks for your Github Repository. This means they are asking for a link to your Github portfolio where information on your projects, or a certain project, is stored.


When a website is “responsive” it means that it can adapt easily to being interacted with on different devices. Have you ever pulled up a website on your phone and it just looks wonky? It is not a responsive design. It was only designed for a laptop browser so it has trouble functioning correctly being viewed on a different type of device. A website that looks and acts the same from your computer, to your phone, to your tablet is responsive.


Retrospective in terms of development means looking back on an implementation to determine what could be improved for the next round of implementations, such as for the next sprint if you are working under Scrum.


SAAS Platforms

SAAS (Software as a Service) Platforms allow internet users to access programs via the internet instead of having to download them. They are usually more basic programs that do not require hardware management. Google Drive is a great example of this. Unlike Microsoft Word, Google Drive can be accessed via the web. Other “____ as a Service” options include Platform as a Service (Facebook, Twitter, etc) or Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS, AWS, etc).


Scrum is a type of development framework that falls under the agile methodology. In scrum, teams are cross-functional and tasks are dealt from the team as a whole, rather than a leader. The scrum model functions via a series of sprints. With scrum, the idea is to set goals for sprints to have a shippable product by the end of the sprints. Each sprint, new goals are laid out to be completed by the end.


Aka — Software Development Kit. It is a set of tools and programs used to develop for a specific platform or specific language. There are different kits for iOS vs. Android and so on. SDK’s are useful for their easily accessible libraries of tools that are needed to develop for a specific platform.


Aka — Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the means by which you optimize the keywords and format of your website so that it shows up higher in Google search results. By adding more keywords that can be searchable and laying your website out in an easily accessible format, you can increase your SEO and thus increase your chances of people finding your website in a Google search.


A server is a piece of computer software that provides information/data to other computers (such as to your laptop!) There are multiple types of servers. One you may be familiar is a web server. Web servers are computers that host all the websites you may want to access. When you type a website into your browser, you are requesting the website from the server that hosts it.

Single Sign-On

Also known as SSO. You know how your Google account allows you to access several applications of theirs like Gmail, Youtube, Drive, etc? They’re using SSO. It allows a user to use one set of credentials (username & password) to sign in to multiple platforms.


A sitemap is a hierarchical layout of all the pages on a website. It is an outline of where certain pages lie under other pages and how they connect.

Source Code

Source code is any collection of code that was written with a programming language in its plain-text form.


A spike is a trial run by developers to see how much time an implementation will take.


Sprints are the main feature of the Scrum / Agile framework. Sprints are short periods of time in which goals are laid out for a scrum team to complete by the end of the sprint. They usually last for no more than a few weeks and occur in stages such as: planning, design, development, implementations, testing, deploy, review -> repeat.


“Secure Sockets Layer” — SSL allows encrypted information to be sent across the internet. Websites that begin with “https” are SSL’s.


A stack is the combination of programs or languages a developer uses. Back-end stack refers to the combinations of programs a developer uses in the back end and front end stack refers to the combinations of programs a developer uses in front end work. “Full-stack” is a way of saying a developer can do both front end and back end development.



Tags are an element of HTML coding that defines a fragment of the code.


TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. It is related to UDP in that they dictate how transmission between two devices send and receive information. With TCP, information that is sent can only be received if both the sending and receiving party are in direct communication and the receiving party confirms that each packet of sent information is received in full. If such confirmation is not available, TCP ensures that the information will be sent continuously until it is received. It is more reliable than UDP because of this, though often slower.

Tech Debt

Tech debt essentially says that if you sacrifice the quality of your code in order to get it done quickly for a deadline, you will need to go in after to clean it up and the time that it will take after is your “tech debt”. It is important to note that this is something only used when deadlines are approaching and is not to be confused for messy code.

Text Editor

A text editor is the basic software where plain text with no formatting begins. After this, you can send it to a language-specific software.


This is the process of breaking up strings of your code into things like phrases, keywords, symbols, etc.


Traceback is a function within Python that allows you to trace your code back (hence the name!) when an error occurs and gives you information on the error.

Two-Factor Authentication

This is a form of login security protocol that requires a second form of identity verification to be able to login. It usually requires you to provide a correct login as well as pass a security check such as confirming a code via your mobile device. A security check such as reCaptcha can not be considered 2FA because it does confirm identity.



“User Datagram Protocol” — UDP is a connectionless protocol in the process of transferring data. It allows you to send & interact with data without the data needing to be fully received by one end, allowing for a faster connection. It is less reliable than TCP.


An unfurl is a pretty little preview of a link. You know on Twitter or in Slack where if you paste a link a picture will pop up and the site title will appear? That’s it. Unfurling is the process is creating that automatic preview.

Unit Testing

Usually, an automated process though sometimes manual, unit testing tests a certain component of an app to determine if it functions well.


The URL, also known as the web address, is the long string of numbers/letters that identify a certain website, even certain pages of the website, that you type into your web browser to access it.



Value in CSS describes what the changes you will be making are. It defines the setting, or where it will be and what it will be.

Version Control

In case of bugs interfering with the usability of an app or website, version control allows a user to toggle back to a previous build to avoid such bugs as well as keep track of updates and changes to code. Version Control Systems (VCS) are systems or programs that are set up to make the functions of version control easier. Think Git!

Virtual Machine

A virtual machine is the process of running an alternate operating system on a machine as a “test” before actually using it using specific virtualization software.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality, commonly known as VR, is entertainment technology that allows users to experience something in an immersive digital world. VR as we know it currently involves the participant wearing a headset with optional hand sensors and headphones to create an emulated world in the headset that can mimic any visual reality created.


VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It allows you to connect to the internet via a private network that can not be accessed by outside parties. It is much safer for security and privacy than a public internet connection because it encrypts your IP address. Many companies use VPN’s for this reason.



Unlike agile, the Waterfall Method in development means that you don’t move on to the next phase of development before the previous phase is complete.

Web Apps

Web apps are websites that function and look like mobile apps. The difference between a website and a web app is how they function.

Web Servers

A web server is a place that stores all of the websites, apps and programs you can access through the internet via a web browser. When you type something into a web browser to search for it, you are requesting information from the web server it is stored on.


A wireframe is a mockup or a prototype of a design for websites, apps or programs. It is essentially the bare bones of the project. These are usually digital mockups that will layout what your design will look like, without the actual design.

(You may have noticed we skipped X & Y. If you can come up with anything for those letters….shoot us a message. We’re stuck.)


Last but not least —


A zipped file is a compressed version of a file. To zip a file or to send a zip is sending a smaller, compressed version of a file so they can be transferred more quickly & easily, such as by email.

All definitions were crafted with help from the following sites:


As ever, QuarkWorks is available to help with any software application project — web, mobile, and more! If you are interested in our services you can check out our website. We would love to answer any questions you have! Just reach out to us on our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

