QuarkChain Achieved 1,000,000+ TPS, The Third TPS Competition will Start in Q4 2020

QuarkChain Official
2 min readJul 10, 2020

The QuarkChain 2nd TPS competition was successfully concluded last December. After the final review by our engineers, the final peak TPS for this competition was 318,052. It has proved that the multi-chain heterogeneous design of QuarkChain can effectively improve the throughput capacity of the blockchain network, so as to achieve the industry-leading excellent performance.

During the 2nd TPS competition, in addition to the regular competition, we also launched the TPS target challenge: the first participant who reaches 100,000 TPS, 200,000 TPS and 300,000 TPS will be rewarded. After the above three TPS challenge goals were achieved, we have announced the ultimate challenge goal — 1,000,000 TPS. Unfortunately, no participant achieved it within the competition period. We kept 1,000,000 peak TPS challenge rewards and extended it to the after-competition period to encourage more engineers to explore the possibilities to improve the performance of QuarkChain mainnet. The challenge method and 0.25 BTC + 500,000 QKC reward remained the same.

After half a year of trying, one of the community members has finally achieved 1,000,000 TPS. The detail is as follows:

Github Repo: https://github.com/HangyuYe/goquarkchain

Peak TPS:

Cluster 0: 1,115,651.00
Cluster 1: 1,103,675.00

Video Link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av86656175/

This competition represented the performance of QuarkChain’s Mainnet. Since then, we have achieved our commitment in the early stage. Although the early goals have been achieved, the development of technology and industry is still rapid, and we must continue to move forward. We also found more valuable problems in the industry than the TPS problem and proposed exclusive technical solutions. To explore the new height of blockchain performance and let more technology enthusiasts participate in blockchain systems design, we will hold the 3rd TPS competition in 2020 Q4. There will be more exciting rules and more attractive rewards. Please pay close attention to our news channel if you are interested.

