QuarkChain Announces the Official Start of Voting Process for Elf Guardians

50+ Elf Guardians are Officially Disclosed

QuarkChain Official
6 min readApr 8, 2019


It has been nearly one month since the Guardian Plan was launched. Many community members responded to this event spontaneously and some of them have already participated in staking QKC for votes. They have received staking revenues and early bird rewards. Today, we announce the Elf Guardian voting portal officially starts! Anyone who staked QKC for votes is eligible to vote at official pages. The first batch of 54 Elf Guardians are disclosed. Please vote for them! Huge rewards will be distributed to all voters!

Learn more about the Guardian Plan, please refer to: https://www.reddit.com/r/quarkchainio/comments/b2dt8l/quarkchain_guardian_plan_official_release/

Official page: https://guardian.quarkchain.io/

Staking QKC for Votes is still ongoing! Users are allowed to stake QKC for receiving votes at the GuardianPlan page and earn the early bird rewards!

For more details about how to stake for votes, please click:


Voting Preparation

Firstly, please double check that one has completed the whole staking process. Then, log in the wallet that one used to stake QKC so that the voting system can determine the correct balance in the staking account.

For more details about how to stake for votes, please click: https://new.reddit.com/r/quarkchainio/comments/b36y46/quarkchain_announced_the_official_open_for/

We provide two ways for participants to stake the QKC to get votes, and the whole process is quite simple:

  1. qPocket: strongly recommended. qPocket is QuarkChain’s official wallet, and it’s the simplest way to complete the staking process by using your phone.
  2. Metamask web page

Vote in qPocket

Firstly, make sure to download and install qPocket at https://www.qpocket.io

(1) Open qPocket at your phone.=》Create or import a wallet.=》Switch to the “ETH” network.

(2) Click “Dapps” button and search for https://guardian.quarkchain.io/ at the top search bar.

(3) Click “votes” on the top of the page. At the voting page, by scrolling down the page will show how many days left for voting, the total number of votes, and the remaining number of votes.

(4) Continue to scroll down and the campaign information of a candidate will be displayed in the ranking order. Click “VOTE” button to complete voting or click the name of candidates and enter candidates landing pages.

(5) Votes, rebate ratio, profile, and slogan of a candidate will be displayed on the landing page. Click “VOTE” button to vote for the Elf Guardians.

(6) Signature is required after clicking “VOTE” button for the first time in order to confirm the available votes. Fill in the password to sign with free GAS fee.

(7) Type the number of votes after verification, and click “OK” button.

(8) Voters are required to sign once again to guarantee the validity of voting. Fill in the password to complete voting.

(9) There will be a prompt after signing when the voting process is completed.

Vote in Metamask

(1) Type https://guardian.quarkchain.io/ in the browser. Click “vote” on the top of the page.

(2) Signature is required after entering for verification purposes. Click “Sign” button with free GAS fee. Pages will show how many days left for voting, total number of votes, and the number of remaining votes.

(3) Scroll down the page and all eligible candidates will be listed. Click “VOTE” button to complete voting.

(4) Click the name of candidate (the blur parts) and enter the candidate’s landing pages.

(5) Votes, rebate ratio, profile, and slogan of the candidate will be displayed on the landing page. Click “VOTE” button to vote for the Elf Guardians.

(6) Type the number of votes and click “OK” button.

(7) Voters are required to sign again to guarantee the validity of voting. Fill in the password to complete voting.

(8) There will be a prompt after signing when the voting process completes.


  1. Please make sure to use the address with full ownership to participate in staking for votes. Do NOT use the exchange addresses to stake QKC; otherwise, staked QKC cannot return to your correct wallet address after unstaking. Please transfer your QKC deposited in the exchange to qPocket or Metamask to finish the staking process.
  2. Please reserve a small amount of ETH for Gas fee to avoid transaction failure.
  3. Elf Guardians will be re-elected every two months. Votes will be cleared when a new term starts, and all voters need to re-vote accordingly. Voters who miss the voting will be deemed as not participating in this round, and thus they are not eligible to receive rebate rewards from Elf Guardians and other rewards in this round.
  4. Please notice that one cannot participate in the next round of voting if his/her staking duration expires.
  5. ONLY participate in the event at https://guardian.quarkchain.io/. Please do not send your QKC to any private wallet address and be careful of fraud. QuarkChain does not assume any responsibility from that.
  6. If you have any other questions, please contact support@quarkchain.io or join QuarkChain Telegram Community: https://t.me/quarkchainio

About QuarkChain Guardian Plan

QuarkChain Mainnet 1.0 supports sharding blockchains and a root blockchain. PoSW, an innovative consensus algorithm exclusively developed by QuarkChain, combines the two main features of PoW and PoS, incentivizing miners by staking. The higher percent of all hash power of the network, the more stakes will be needed to mine.

At the early stage of Mainnet 1.0, to protect the root chain from hash power attach, a simplified version of PoSW will be applied, i.e., the Guardian Plan, which has been launched to protect all community members’ interest and guarantee the security of Mainnet with enough hash power. Mining rewards will be distributed to all participants at the same time. Members who participate in the Guardian Plan are expected to receive a minimum of 30% and a maximum of more than 300% annualized returns. Besides, the rewards of the Elf Guardians for Term I will be doubled!

QuarkChain Foundation LTD reserves the final rights of explanation regarding all rules and regulations of this event.

Learn more about the Guardian Plan, please refer to: https://www.reddit.com/r/quarkchainio/comments/b2dt8l/quarkchain_guardian_plan_official_release/


