QuarkChain Monthly AMA Summary — November 2020

QuarkChain Official
5 min readDec 2, 2020

QuarkChain holds a monthly AMA on Telegram/Wechat groups. This is the summary for November AMA. We welcome any questions, comments, and suggestions.

Anthurine (QuarkChain CMO): Hello everyone. Time for our monthly AMA. I am the CMO of QuarkChain, and today CEO Qi Zhou will join us and answer questions that you care about.

We will go through the milestones of the past month

We will answer questions collected before.

We will leave some time for you to ask questions directly ( Please ask high-quality questions and you will get rewards if your questions are selected)

OK, let’s start. Qi, what are the milestones you wanna highlight today?

Qi (QuarkChain founder & CEO): Hi everyone. Welcome to our AMA.

First, Flipside Crypto, a well-known blockchain data analysis company, and the Tie, a data analysis company, scored the market operation of related projects in the global blockchain industry and selected 35 best marketers in Blockchain for 2020.

Anthurine, QuarkChain Founding Partner and CMO, made the list of the best marketers in Blockchain for 2020, along with the marketers of Binance, Chainlink, XRP, OMG, etc., and accepted Flipside Crypto’s Interview, because of her excellent understanding of blockchain technology and industry insights.

Second, there are many outstanding talents who enter the crypto market every day. They have the potential to become superstars in this emerging field, and may even build the next Coinbase.

I felt so honored to be listed as one of Silicon Valley's “Crypto Gangs” because of my previous work experience at Google and Facebook.

Third, the QuarkChain mainnet has been live for a long time, along with the launch of the mainnet explorer for viewing transactions and network status (www.quarkchain.io)

With the events of token swap and other activities, more and more community members owned the mainnet token, and but lots of them do not know how to check the progress of the transactions.

In addition, due to CoinmarketCap’s incorrect calculation of QuarkChain’s circulating supply, which caused lots of misunderstandings of the real-time circulating supply of QuarkChain mainnet token.

To solve these problems, we introduced the tool — mainnet balance monitor, which checks the real-time block production and circulation supply

You can visit the tool at http://grafana.quarkchain.io/d/ZcJDDVVMk/quarkchain-monitoring

Fourth, we have a lot of active events in Korea!

On November 5, QuarkChain’s Korea team conducted an AMA with ChainNode, one of Korea’s biggest communities. You can work the AMA here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQxZPHjrMo0

Jonathan Kim, head of QuarkChain Korea, had an interview with Sisa Magazine, a famous Korean traditional media. Through the interview, Jonathan introduced QuarkChain and shared current progress. Also, he explained about the upcoming Mainnet Big Bang and Staking 2.0. He also explained Quarkchain’s scalability, flexibility, and multi-native token function which is the most differentiated feature compared to other platforms.

That is pretty much all our progress in last month! Thanks!

Anthurine: Thank Qi, lots of things going on, thanks for walking us through all the achievements by the team. Now let’s go to the 2nd part of AMA.

Q1: Lots of people want to learn more about the development progress of staking, could you introduce more information to us?

Qi: Sure. We are working on staking 2.0, which provides an advanced staking pool so that everybody can join the pool — no matter on root chain or shard chain. Currently, the staking 2.0 contract is already done. We are now working on UI and safety check on the feature. We will share more information later!

Anthurine: Q2: What are the main features of QuarkChain’s new mainnet Bigbang? What’s the difference with the current mainnet?

Qi: The main feature is the multi native token, which allows everyone to issue their token to transfer value and pay tx fee.

We have launched a testnet event of multi native token, and we will launch the feature on mainnet.

Anthurine: Q3: How to get native token? Who’s the owner of multi-native token?

Qi: Anyone can use QKC to auction a native token and become the owner (i.e., has the right to mint the token)

Further, the owner can transfer the token ownership to another one (e.g., a contract) or renounce the ownership.

We will soon provide more details about the steps!

Anthurine: Q4: Next quesiton is about DeFi. Any updates on DeFi?

Qi: Sure. DeFi is one of our major directions, and we also made several progresses for DeFi.

First, we have launched the DAO function on Equalizer. This allows our community members to submit any proposal to further improve Equalizer

Second, we are actively holding an internal research session on DeFi and we have researched more than 10 projects in the area. I believe we will soon come up with progress (or products) in the area.

Anthurine: Q5: The circulating supply at CMC looks incorrect. Where to check the correct info?

Qi: The correct info can be found at Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/quarkchain. Further, you could use our mainnet monitor to check the realtime data: http://grafana.quarkchain.io/d/ZcJDDVVMk/quarkchain-monitoring

Anthurine: Q6: Congratulations on QuarkChain’s CMO to win the best marketers in Blockchain for 2020 (Thank you! ). Now is December, the last month of the year. Is there any exciting news left?

Qi: We are preparing mainnet upgrade (2.0, a.k.a., BigBang). Further, we have finished the early preparation work of the token swap with Binance. We will soon move to the next step so that the token swap can be done asap.

Anthurine: Q7: Bitcoin is now at the highest price in its history. Last time it went to such high price, it almost renewed the entire industry. Is there a similar opportunity now? How does QuarkChain want to use this opportunity?

Qi: Qi Zou, [Dec 2, 2020 at 8:29:16 AM]:

Sure. Bitcoin’s rise provides opportunities for everyone, including QKC. QKC’s born was related to the last rise.

This time, I think it will be more opportunities. First of all, more attention will be put on bitcoin as its price rises, and I believe those attentions — no matter in terms of users or capitals, will stay in the crypto space to flourish the industry.

Second, as more and more users come, more problems will show up such as scalability. This opens the door to us to demonstrate our ability.

In all, as the market becomes more mature, we believe that the position of QKC will be clearer and we are looking forward to seeing the contribution of QKC to the whole industry in the future!

Anthurine: Now we still have some time, let’s leave it for direct questions!

Q: when will binance swap happen? (Is there any deadline)

Qi: Unfortunately, there is no deadline, but we are making the progress so we hope everything can be done soon!

Q: Many holder hope bigbang mainnet this year.

Qi: Sure. A lot of things are ongoing!

Q: In the Korean community, there is a story that the QuarkChain team is selling coin. Is it true? Is this a rumor?

Qi: The rumor is caused by incorrect info in CMC, that they think the big supply increase is due to team selling.

We already explained that the number is not correct in CMC, please either use Coinkecgo or our monitor dashboard to view the real mainnet supply.

Anthurine: That’s everything for this week! Thank you for your support as always!

