QuarkChain Monthly Project Progress Report: June, 2020

QuarkChain Official
5 min readJul 3, 2020

Welcome to the 54th QuarkChain Monthly Report. This is our June issue. We will post monthly reports including development progress, monthly news, and events at the end of each month. In the future, QuarkChain strives to do better. Let’s review what happened in the past month!

  • QuarkChain’s plan for the second half of 2020: launch staking DeFi products and the new mainnet BigBang with multi-native tokens
  • Updated and refactored QKCHash consensus to enhance performance
  • One of the community members finally achieved 1,000,000+ TPS on QuarkChain Go version and received 0.25 btc+ 500,000 qkc reward
  • QuarkChain Staking 1.0:A DeFi Product Helps Miners and Holders Achieve Cooperation

1) Development Progress

# Major Updates

## Added

  • Added Go version of QKCHashX
  • Added scaffold of total token balance count RPC
  • Added and released binary package of goquarkchain for users to run directly

## Updated

  • Updated and refactored QKCHash consensus to enhance performance
  • Fixed the problem of nodes hanging during recovery in goquarkchain
  • Fixed the problem of TrieDB dereference in goquarkchain

2) Recent news

2.1 QuarkChain’s plan for the second half of 2020: launch staking DeFi products and the new mainnet BigBang with multi-native tokens

The launch of multi-native tokens, staking and DeFi functions will improve the QuarkChain ecology and provide more opportunities for the applications on the chain in the future. In addition to these major functions, we will add or update more important functions according to the development of the industry and the implementation of blockchain technology, so as to make QuarkChain continue to become a leader in the public chain with a multi-chain heterogeneous structure based on heterogeneous sharding technology.

2.2 One of the community members finally achieved 1,000,000+ TPS on QuarkChain Go version and received 0.25 btc+ 500,000 qkc reward

The QuarkChain 2nd TPS competition was successfully concluded last December. After the final review by our engineers, the final peak TPS for this competition was 318,052. It has proved that the multi-chain heterogeneous design of QuarkChain can effectively improve the throughput capacity of the blockchain network, so as to achieve the industry-leading excellent performance.

We kept 1,000,000 peak TPS challenge rewards and extended it to the after-competition period to encourage more engineers to explore the possibilities to improve the performance of QuarkChain mainnet. The challenge method and 0.25 BTC + 500,000 QKC reward remained the same. After half a year of trying, one of the community members has finally achieved 1,000,000 TPS.

2.3 QuarkChain Staking 1.0:A DeFi Product Helps Miners and Holders Achieve Cooperation

Today let us proudly introduce QuarkChain Staking 1.0, a product that offers a way for miners to find the staked QKC tokens and the QKC holders to get extra incomes.

In addition, to improve the flexibility through heterogeneous sharding technology, QuarkChain’s unique consensus algorithm, PoSW (Proof of Staked Work), becomes the basis to realize a cutting-edge DeFi system, which enables a division-and-cooperation mechanism that miners and token holders can work together on mining efficiently and share the profit afterward.

3) Events

3.1 CryptoMurMur Interview with Qi Zhou

Dr Zhou, founder and CEO of QuarkChain was interviewed by CryptoMurMur. The questions are pretty diversified, which includes personal experience , life goal, project progress and industry opinion. For more details, please check: https://cryptomurmur.com/qi-zhou-quarkchain/

3.2 [Binance Block 10 x Anthurine]: The Story of Multi-chain Infrastructure Just Begins

At 8 pm on June 8th, Anthurine, the CMO of QuarkChain, founding partner of QuarkChain, conducted live streaming on in the Binance community and shared her opinions about the challenges and opportunities of blockchain regarding ‘New Infrastructure’ in China.

As for the new infrastructure, she believed that unlike the traditional airport or railway construction, the new infrastructure now is more related to digital services. The new infrastructure needs the following underlying architecture: 1. Each chain enables customization to meet different situations through multi-chain infrastructure (heterogenous sharding); 2. Cross-chain transactions need to be supported between each chain.

3.3 QuarkChain held AMA in Shirimp Boat, the largest project communication channel in Korea

QuarkChain held a live AMA on “Shrimp Boat” which is one of the biggest crypto channels in Korea. The head of South Asia, Jonathan attended this event. He introduced how technologies like heterogenous sharding, multi native token, Staking by PoSW help improve scalability and flexibility of QuarkChain and answered many questions by community members.

3.4 QuarkChain LIVE AMA was Launched

QuarkChain held the LIVE AMA for the first time on Thursday. Dr. Zhou and Anthurine introduced the latest updates of QuarkChain: Staking by PoSW, DeFi and multi native token, and answered questions. More than 50 community members participated in the interaction and won awards. More than 300 viewers joined the live broadcast online at the same time.

3.5 Heterogeneous Sharding Empowers Enterprise [An Analysis]

Despite starting out in the financial industry, the blockchain industry always believes that blockchain technology can be applicable and useful to almost any field.

Nowadays, many blockchain companies are working on developing the most effective and useful enterprise blockchain solution. The whole industry did lots of research to understand what kind of blockchain solutions are really needed by enterprises.

And the leading players think the most important function must be flexibility. In fact, it is a relatively missing feature in most existing projects.

4)Event Preview

4.1 Unitize2020 — San Francisco Blockchain Week

QuarkChain will attend the Unitize2020 online virtual conference held by San Francisco Blockchain Week on July 6th. Qi will give a speech about “Building Next-Generation DeFi Platform” and introduce QuarkChain’s progress on DeFi.

5) FYI

Thanks for reading this report. QuarkChain always appreciates your support and company.

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