QuarkChain Monthly Project Progress Report: October, 2020

QuarkChain Official
6 min readNov 2, 2020

Dear Community Members,

Welcome to the 58th QuarkChain Monthly Report (October 2020). This is our October issue. We will post monthly reports including development progress, monthly news, and events at the end of each month. In the future, QuarkChain strives to do better. Let’s review what happened in the past month!

1) Development Progress

1.1 Added

  • Added performance test for FastDB to compare with go-ethereum
  • Added MSYS2 Github Action in goquarkchain to enhance Windows virtual environment

1.2 Updated

  • Fixed timeout problem when broadcasting root block in goquarkchain

2) Recent news

2.1 QuarkChain CEO Qi Zhou Participated in LA Blockchain Summit

Dr. Qi Zhou, QuarkChain’s founder and CEO, was invited to participate in the LA Blockchain Summit and joined Unfolding China’s Decentralized Finance Landscape panel. Qi Zhou introduced QuarkChain’s DeFi designs and features, and introduced the design concept of Equalizer, the first Dex project that QuarkChain supported.

2.2 QuarkChain Participated in The 2020 International Blockchain Academic Conference Hosted by BUPT

The 2020 International Blockchain Academic Conference, hosted by BUPT(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), was held from October 10 to October 11, 2020. This conference aims to provide in-depth communications and discussions on blockchain technology fields such as blockchain applications and services, blockchain scalabilities, blockchain securities and crypto algorithms. Dr. Qi Zhou, the founder and CEO of QuarkChain, was invited to participate in the conference remotely and gave a live broadcast on the topic of “High-performance Blockchain Infrastructure Database Optimization”.

2.3 QuarkChain CEO Dr. Zhou had a video interview with Altcoin Buzz and introduced QuarkChain DeFi solutions

QuarkChain CEO Dr. Zhou had a video interview with Altcoin Buzz on October 2. In the interview, Dr, Zhou introduced QuarkChain’s solution to the insufficient Ethereum DeFi model by applying heterogeneous sharding technology and multi-native token functions. Besides, Qi also introduced the design concept of Equalizer, an AMM DEX with equal and self-adjusting governance token distribution.

2.4 QuarkChain had an interview with ChainNews and discussed who will be the final winner in the cross-chain competition

QuarkChain co-founder and CMO Anthurine told ChainNews in an interview: “Now, the blockchain industry is still in the early stages of development. Lots of public chains are building their own ecosystems. Different public chains may generate competitive advantages in some specific areas based on their own features. These public chains and their ecosystems are just like the civilizations distributed on all continents before the great geographical discovery, different civilizations have their own survival space and development direction. Afterwards, these public chains are connected through cross-chain technology, just like civilizations of different regions connected through the “Silk Road” and “Navigation”, and contributed to the prosperity of the whole world.”

2.5 In the Open Finance Conference OFC, QuarkChain was voted as the 6th place in the hottest open finance projects

OFC is a global open finance conference co-hosted by ChainNews, Winkrypto, Bihu, and MYKEY. It is an open platform committed to providing deep thinking and business connections for all the global blockchain financial innovation developers, investment institutions, key opinion leaders, and enthusiasts. It aims to drive blockchain financial innovation with the power of the community. QuarkChain ranked 6th place with 62,335 votes in the list of the hottest open financial projects.

3) Ecosystem Updates

3.1 Equalizer partnered with Gate io, MXC, CoinW, SakeSwap and held events

Equalizer, an AMM DEX with equal and self-adjusting governance token distribution, has recently reached cooperation with Gate io, MXC, CoinW, and SakeSwap. Among them:

  • Gate.io: added a GT-ETH trading pair on Equalizer and hold a trading competition
  • MXC launches: MXC launched EQL-DeFi mining
  • CoinW and SakeSwap: added CWT-ETH, SAKE-ETH trading pairs on Equalizer and provided 1.5 times rewards

4) Past Events

4.1 QuarkChain co-founder and CMO Anthurine had a live broadcast at Gate.io China on October 9th

On October 9th, QuarkChain co-founder and CMO Anthurine joined a live broadcast in the Gate.io live room, introducing how QuarkChain and Equalizer will achieve innovation in the DeFi field. She introduced the breakthrough of QuarkChain in DeFi and how Equalizer can achieve an equal and self-adjusting governance token distribution AMM DEX.

4.2 QuarkChain co-founder and CMO Anthurine had a live broadcast at Gate.io Oversea on October 13th

On October 13th, QuarkChain co-founder and CMO Anthurine had a live broadcast in the Gate.io, with Marie Tatibouet, Gete.io CMO. In their conversation, Anthurine introduced how QuarkChain and Equalizer will achieve innovation in the DeFi field, as well as how Equalizer can achieve an equal and self-adjusting governance token distribution AMM DEX.

4.3 On October 20, QuarkChain co-founder and CMO Anthurine participated in OneLedger AMA

On October 20th, QuarkChain co-founder and CMO Anthurine joined OneLedger’s AMA at their Telegram community. Anthurine introduced QuarkChain and Equalizer’s innovation in the DeFi field, as well as how Equalizer can achieve an equal and self-adjusting governance token distribution AMM DEX.

4.4 QuarkChain supported Shanghai Jiaotong University Blockchain Association and E Valley Blockchain Series of Courses

The series of courses of Shanghai Jiaotong University Blockchain Association × Jiaotong University E Valley Blockchain aims to popularize blockchain knowledge, train professionals in the blockchain field, participate in the wave of technological innovation, and contribute to the promotion of social development. The courses are supported by Jiaotong University’s E Valley (Jiaotong University Engineer Teaching Development and Student Innovation Center), organized by the Blockchain Association, and invited well-known international and domestic scholars to explain blockchain knowledge from multiple perspectives. QuarkChain, as an entrepreneurial project of Shanghai Jiaotong University alumni, has provided a lot of support for the development of blockchain on campus. QuarkChain sponsored gifts for the courses this time.

4.5 Korea Community Contents Event

To share QuarkChain updates with more people in Korea, Korea team has conducted a viral contents event for 2 weeks. To apply, the applicants had to post contents on QuarkChain’s recent updates with tages #defi #quarkchain. More than 100+ contents were collected and total 30 winners were selected based on the quality of the contents. The rewards were already distributed to winners! Thank you for your participation!

4.6 QuarkChain Chief Scientist Professor Yaodong Yang participated in the roundtable discussion of Crypto and Beyond on the Bund hosted by Cointelegraph

On October 25th, Cointelegraph China held Crypto and Beyond on the Bund in Shanghai Bund. The event gathered technology developers, investors, and researchers in the blockchain industry to discuss the adoption of cryptocurrencies. The participants focused on this year’s hot topic “DeFi”, the next focus “NFT”, and the future of Web3.0. Professor Yaodong Yang, chief scientist of QuarkChain, participated in a roundtable discussion on the topic of “DeFi is hot on Ethereum, how do other public chains can defeat it?” Professor Yang said that the real innovation of DeFi has not yet begun. DeFi’s biggest original intention is to let people enjoy the bank services without bank accounts. The encryption industry is big, and it won’t be an oligopoly. DEX requires a lot of innovation. If the impermanence loss problem cannot get solved, DEX cannot become bigger.

5) FYI

Thanks for reading this report. QuarkChain always appreciates your support and company.

