QuarkChain Should Step On a Grander Stage: an Exclusive Interview with the Champion of the TPS Competition

QuarkChain Official
3 min readJan 21, 2020


After the completion of the second TPS competition, we had an interview with the first place winner. As a programmer who has been paying attention to QuarkChain for a long time, he reached 310,000 TPS by relying on his detailed understanding of QuarkChain and continuous efforts.

For the final result of the competition, please check this link:https://medium.com/quarkchain-official/quarkchain-tps-competition-final-leaderboard-announced-with-310-000-tps-achievement-c0deeb819968

TPS Competition Q&A:

Q: Will you please introduce yourself and your team?

A: I am an entry-level engineer, junior integrated development engineer, and blockchain enthusiast.

Q: How do you know about our TPS Competition?

A: I started paying attention to QuarkChain since last year’s TPS competition

Q: Why did you choose QuarkChain? What other blockchain companies do you pay attention to besides QuarkChain? Compared to other public chains, what strengths do you think QuarkChain have?

A: I was an early follower of QuarkChain. At that time, I focused on QKC mainly because I found some drawbacks of ETH, for which QKC provided solutions, which are scalability and high TPS.

Q: As the 1st place winner, can you share what efforts you have made for this competition?

A: My victory is attributed to the experience gained from last year’s competition and the strong support from the Go development team. Without their excellent tools, it is impossible for me to achieve this result. It is indeed remarkable that the tools used in this competition have been greatly improved from the last one.

Q: If there was no time limitation, what else do you think you will do to further improve your TPS?

A: I may improve the automated script that can reduce the errors in the deployment process, optimize the deployment system, and reduce the system error.

Q: What have you learnt from the QuarkChain TPS Competition? For the participant’s perspective, what do you think that the organizer (QuarkChain) can improve in the future?

A: At present, I think there are still limitations in improving TPS. When reaching a critical point, it is still necessary to increase TPS through horizontal expansion. I think we can continue to optimize the code to reduce the level of dependence on equipment and machines. What’s more, developers have little known information about the current deployment system, and there are some difficulties in debugging. When a crash occurs, developers may be confused and don’t know the reason for the error. I hope there will be more tools to improve the debugging process later.

Q: Thanks for your participation. We believe that you have a deeper understanding of our open source code after joining the competition. Can you share your opinion of our code and any suggestions? Also, as an open source project, will you join in and contribute to the developer’s community?

A: This is what I have been doing so far. I will keep checking and reading QuarkChain’s code, and I will definitely contribute to the whole community.

Q: Do you have any expectations for the blockchain industry in general?

A: I think blockchain technology is still at a very early stage compared to the Internet, but it will become a tool to make history.

Q: Do you have any expectations for QuarkChain?

A: I hope that QuarkChain can step on a grander stage and really contribute to the implementation of blockchain applications.















