QuarkChain Testnet Mining Reward Announcement

QuarkChain Official
2 min readMay 21, 2019


Dear All QuarkChain Testnet Miners,

Thank you for your support and your participation in the Testnet mining! Depending on your support and efforts, we had successfully completed the test of several testnet versions. The QuarkChain mainnet has been successfully launched on April 30th, and the shards using different mining algorithms have been steadily running under the unified protection of the mainnet. Such a result is inseparable from your participation and trust. Thank you again.

After intensive statistics, we calculated the final results of mainnet QKC obtained by all the miners who participated in the testnet mining and successfully mined blocks. The final rewards are listed at the following Github page: https://github.com/QuarkChain/pyquarkchain/wiki/Testnet-Mining-Result#final-reward-calculation.

If you’re interested with the details of all mined blocks during the operation of the testnet, the results are listed at the same Github page: https://github.com/QuarkChain/pyquarkchain/wiki/Testnet-Mining-Result

Rewards Calculation:

Briefly speaking, the QuarkChain Testnet mining rewards calculation is given as follows:

The total rewards pool includes two parts:
Total rewards from 12/2018 to 03/2019: 5,000,000 QKC

2,000,000 for Ethash / 1,000,000 for Double SHA256 / 2,000,000 for Qkchash

Additional rewards for 04/2019: 1,000,000 QKC:

400,000 for Ethash / 200,000 for Double SHA256 / 400,000 for Qkchash

The rewards are only related to the final mined blocks. The number of blocks mined in the first month (December 2018, PST) was double counted.

After calculating, the rewards for different shards are as follows:

Mining rewards calculation for 12/2018–03/2019 (included double points for 12/2018)
Reward for each block on Ethash (Shard 0–3): 2,000,000 / 4,423,885 = 0.4521 QKC
Reward for each block on Double SHA256 (Shard 4–5): 1,000,000 / 2,192,109 = 0.4562 QKC
Reward for each block on Qkchash (Shard 6–7): 2,000,000 / 2,193,936 = 0.9116 QKC

Additional Mining rewards for 04/2019:
Reward for each block on Ethash (Shard 0–3): 400,000 / 1,734,851 = 0.2306 QKC
Reward for each block on Double SHA256 (Shard 4–5): 200,000 / 699,818 = 0.2858 QKC
Reward for each block on Qkchash (Shard 6–7): 400,000 / 814,492 = 0.4911 QKC

How to Get Rewards

We will publicize the “Testnet Mining Reward Announcement“ for three days. If there is no objection from the community, the rewards will be issued gradually after the publication, and the whole process will be finished before the end of May. Regarding the reward, we offer two choices to all miners:

  1. If you choose pass KYC, half of the reward will be ERC20, and half of the rewards will be the mainnet token.
  2. If you choose not to pass KYC, you only will receive mainnet token.

We will announce more detailed steps for the KYC process.

NOTE: The final interpretation right of this activity belongs to QuarkChain Foundation LTD.


