Startup Grind Conference Review

QuarkChain Official
3 min readFeb 16, 2019

QuarkChain has been selected to attend Startup Grind Global Conference held on February 12th and 13th in Redwood City, CA., which is supported by Google for Startups. Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, which has nurtured startup ecosystems in 125 countries and has built collaborations with Google for Startups, Oracle, Quickbooks and other organizations.

Grown Startup Exhibition

Startup Grind’s Global Conference brought together over 7,000 founders and thought leaders from all around the world for conversations around trends in tech, software, education, building and scaling a company, venture capital, and more. During the conference, innovators, educators, and investors visited at QuarkChain’s booth, and asked questions about blockchain. They showed great interest in QuarkChain’s state sharding technology, qPocket and Enterprise Solutions. Many attendees were surprised by QuarkChain’s capability and unique proposition on sharding as a solution to solve the current issue on blockchain’s scalability.

Main Stage Speaking

With 6 stages of highly educational contents provided by a roster of world-class speakers, QuarkChain CMO Anthurine joined the prestigious list of speakers from growth Startup Companies at Startup Grind. She stepped on one stage to share the experiences on how blockchain startups grind and scale.

Can all companies benefit from open source? If not how can I decide if open source is right for me?

Blockchain projects are all open sourced projects. For most of blockchain projects, you definitely have community at the first place, and then you build the project on top of that.

QuarkChain was not of greatest attention at the beginning, but we had tech code overview later. Due to these code reviews, more engineers from all over the world know us, community started from there. And then after we delivered all the milestones we promised, we built our reputation, and began to have some enterprise solutions. This process is different from other fields since blockchain companies are actually using tech, and have support from community to help to get into enterprise side.

In your opinion, how can blockchain companies scale up?

For blockchain companies, we need to build an infrastructure with great technology underneath at the first place. Due to lack of great tech underneath, it is hard for blockchains to be adopted in many big applications. Blockchain companies are facing two different categories: to business and to customer. In general, all of them are still in exploration stage. Thus, sometimes it is really hard for blockchain companies to proceed. For the next stage, QuarkChain is looking for applications that need blockchain, and tune our technology for them. This is for the revenue, and also for the individuals. At the same time, we are also seeking collaborations with different dApps.

Explore Potential Partnership

In the conference, thousands of entrepreneurs and innovators were looking for building relationships, impactful networks and partnerships. CMO Anthurine had great conversations with investors and managers from Comcast, Oracle Global Startup Ecosystem, Google for Startups, etc. She introduced QuarkChain’s enterprise solutions that could incorporate state-of-the-art blockchain innovations, and satisfy the needs from a variety of industries.

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