The QuarkChain Korea team gave a speech on NFT at the #HashTECH Start-Up hosted by Microsoft on the 24th of March

QuarkChain Official
2 min readApr 4, 2022

On March 24th, Jamie Jung, the head of QuarkChain Korea, gave a presentation on NFTs at the #HashTECH Start-up event.

The seminar had 5 categories: Investment, Cloud, Business, AI/ML, and Blockchain, each having one session.

The event was co-hosted by Microsoft and StartUpWomen, a community for women working for startups in Korea. Many of the audience members who attended were C-levels or CEOs running different startups.

In the presentation, Jamie presented a guide through examples of various NFT application cases in different industries. She also explained the relation between cloud services and NFTs, and how to buy NFTs. Also, she explained briefly about Web3, DAOs, and blockchain.

A total of 500 people applied for this event, and more people listened to the lecture online live on YouTube. This session received a lot of interest even before the event, and there was a lot of feedback that helped people to understand NFTs.

QuarkChain will continuously educate people on blockchain and relevant concepts like NFT, Web3, DeFi, Gamefi, and more so that we can make many use cases in the future.

