Voting on Token Acceleration by 6 Months

The First Community Governance after QuarkChain’s Mainnet Launched

QuarkChain Official
3 min readJun 4, 2019


Dear QuarkChain Community Members,

We would like to appreciate all supports from our community members about delaying the token distribution for all private investors, foundation, team,marketing, and advisors in last September. Following the plan, the first batch of delayed tokens was released on June 1. At the same time, we also notice the concerns from community members about the future token release from August to December, and the request to accelerate and unlock all delayed tokens at once.

We highly value these community opinions and would like to collect more opinions from QKC holders before making a decision. Therefore, we will open a polling page and invite all QKC holders to exercise the right of community governance and jointly decide whether to unlock the all delayed tokens in advance at once, this includes

  • 50% private sale token (8.9% of total supply) that were delayed and will be released in September and December
  • 25% team and foundation token (7.5% of total supply) that were delayed and will be released in August and November
  • 25% marketing and advisor token (2.5% of total supply) that were delayed and will be released in August and November

This will be the first attempt of community governance in QuarkChain’s history and the empowerment of QuarkChain’s community. The development of the project will be driven by QKC holders, which will also be a precursor for QuarkChain to move towards decentralization and pave the way for the community autonomy in the future. In the future, with the development of the project, community members will be no longer simply QKC holders but have more opportunities to participate in and support it directly.

Governance issue: Whether to accelerate all delayed token by 6 months.

Topic: All delayed tokens due to last year’s token release change, including all private sale tokens, team, foundation, marketing, and advisor’s token.

Governance Method: voting resolution, holding 1QKC (all unlocked QKCs) = 1 vote

Decision time: The snapshot will be taken when ETH Block reached 7,910,000 (about 10 am to 2 pm UTC+8, Jun 7th); Voting website will be launched at 6 pm UTC+8, Jun 7th and closed at 6 pm UTC+8, Jun 8th. We will announce the voting result right after.

Voting instructions:

Community members who are planning to vote are invited to withdraw QKC to their own wallet (qPocket or Metamask) in advance before the voting begins. During the voting time, please vote on the following website:

Participation in voting should pay attention to the following:

1. We will take a snapshot of the QKC holding addresses and the balances when ETH Block reaches 7,910,000 (about 10 am to 2 pm UTC+8, Jun 7th ) before the formal start of the poll. The number of QKCs held in a wallet address is the number of votes. If the token is not withdrawn from the exchange at the time of the snapshot, this wallet address cannot be counted, and he/she can not participate in the poll.

2. All the users who participated in the guardian plan can vote directly on the page without taking back the staked QKC. The number of votes equals the actual QKC balance of the user in that block.

3. Voting does not need to consume or lock QKC, only need to sign on the voting page.

4. In order to ensure fairness and openness of the voting results, we will store the voting results on the chain. All voting users need to prepare a small amount of ETH to pay Gas fees.

5. Due to the regulation concern, all users should finish KYC form as instructed after voting. Here is the form:

After the voting, we will publish the results through the voting pages, official websites, official Medium, Twitter, Wechat Public Account, and telegraph groups. Please pay attention to the relevant information timely.



