Start a Running Club!

Quarters. Hello. We are Co-Living
3 min readSep 10, 2019

Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.

Oprah Winfrey

At Quarters you know we’re all about community. We think one of the best ways to get together, have fun and bond is by getting outside for a bit of fresh air and exercise.

There are a couple of things to know before you start a running club. The first is that getting a bunch of people together to do a bit of exercise isn’t as hard as it sounds, the second is that getting a bunch of people together to do exercise is as fun as it sounds.

If you’re living at Quarters, it’s likely that there’s a thread on slack or a couple of housemates somewhere in the building who are already running together. If not, I’d suggest opening up the discussion on your houses slack channel, facebook or at your work. You can use a doodle poll to see who’s available when, who’s interested and what times would work best.

Pick two/three times a week to run!

Having some accountability might help you, especially if you’re starting off. Lots of people schedule two middle distance runs in the week and one long one on the weekend. If you pick your days and stick to them everyone will get used to the routine.

Have a route planned out!

For the first week or so, make sure you have a route planned out. It’s better if you know it and can vouch for it being safe at worst and fun at best. Let people know what kind of terrain they’ll be on, what kind of distance you’ll be going and what kind of pace you’re running at.

If you have runners of mixed abilities, chose a park so people can stop and rest safely if they get tired. You can always pick them up on the way back!

Think of a Great Theme!

A lot of running clubs have great themes. Something to focus on while you run and something to engage your imagination is a good idea. Some people do architectural running clubs, going from landmark to landmark, some to art themed tours, checking out street art, murals and sculptures. If you live in a place with canals you could aim to run them all together. If you spend a little bit of time thinking about where you want to run and finding out a bit of information about where you’re running the group will thank you for it!


A good and easy way to start getting more people involved is to have an online presence. Not everyone in the club will be using social media so make sure you have a website with your routes, your values and what kind of running club you are. Safety tips and stretching advice are always great extras!

Social Media!

… However, a social media presence is a really good way to keep people engaged. Use the FOMO to encourage your friends, co-workers and colleagues to get a bit of fresh air. Take photos of the group out running- a group photo in a beautiful location will show people you’re inclusive and fun. People like the chance to see who’s in a group before they can join it. You can make up a hashtag and use it when you’re out and about with the group or when you’re eating a particularly delicious and calorific post run brunch. #carbloversrunclub

Last but not least!

Keep it up. Don’t let the rain stop you and don’t worry about whether people will turn up, just get out there and enjoy your run, the run is the reward.

Get Some tips from the Pro’s:






