Your SEO can be better! And maybe it should be.

Quarters. Hello. We are Co-Living
2 min readAug 8, 2019
Yasin Haffar, Quarter’s hero.

Your SEO can be better!

We sat down with our Digital Marketing Account Manager Yasin Haffar to ask for some expertise on how to improve your SEO! Yasin is an experienced digital professional, champion of social media tools and technologies, and has a track record of creating and implementing successful marketing campaigns. He’s also funny, warm and has great story telling skills. Yasin is the 1st ranked Digital Campaign Manager on Creativepool, which we think is pretty cool. You can check out his Creativepool profile and see some of his campaigns here.

Write for Humans!

Write for humans, not Google’s AI. Google uses engagement as one of its metrics for indexing results. Users are more engaged by Fresh and informative content/ Fresh and informative content is more engaging to users and google. You can make content more appealing by adding photographs, videos, screenshots and text blocks. Use bullet points to break up large blocks of text and improve readability.

Check your grammar!

Write High-quality content. Well researched and well written content will engage your community. Well-researched content with no spelling or grammar errors performs better. This may sound obvious but content errors look sloppy and discredit your website. Spell check! Your website is ranked for its credibility, spell check is a must.

Keywords are a ‘Major Key’!

Your users will find your site via SEO keywords. These are thr words and phrases that allow users to find your website via search engines. Keywords should be sprinkled throughout the content. Make sure you include them in the the title, the headings and the body of the text. You wouldn’t write an article about cheese and not put the word cheese in it would you? Don’t over do it though, google’s smarter than that.

Bonus- search requests are evolving, consider the key phrases.

check out our top 5 Apps that will help you optimise your SEO!

