A Guide to Quatrian Folklore and History

A collection of essays and articles for the Quatria-Curious

Jeremy Puma
Quatrian Folkways Institute
2 min readDec 9, 2019


Please note: we are uncovering new aspects of Quatrian History, Philosophy, and Culture on a daily basis. Some of the information contained in these essays may be deprecated, and all of the content herein is subject to change without notice due to Quatria’s function as a Liminal Space.

ALL of the information contained herein should be considered canon, in spite of any apparent contradictions.

  1. The Encyclopedia of Ancient Quatria
  2. Ancient Quatria: A Very Brief Introduction The ancient Quatrians dwelt across the face of the Earth, in places that are now sunken or gone.”
  3. Quatrian Folklore — A collection of folklore and traditions from Quatria, selected from pre- and post-Pantarctican diaspora.
  4. Mavani and the Creatures — Ancient Quatrians raised large birds similar to Guinea Hens/Grey Partridges, which feature in a number of their folktales, and even in some of the post-Diaspora cave art.
  5. The World-Herb — Quatrian Dandelion Veneration.
  6. Quatrian Tree Maps — How the Quatrians used trees to navigate the landscape.
  7. The Hypogeum is Open! — Winter Solstice Traditions of Ancient Quatria.
  8. The Festival of the Hypogeum — The Myth Behind the Solstice in Quatria.
  9. The Ruler of the Waters — The Ocean in Quatrian Lore.
  10. The Cats’ Revenge — An excerpt from the Canticle of Barbaro.
  11. Five Quatrian Tales of Terror — A selection of Quatrian ghost stories.
  12. The Late Quatrian Calendar — The unique way of measuring time during the Late Quatrian period.
  13. Anthuor’s Antlers — An extraordinary Quatrian practice.
  14. Entering the Hypogeum: A Method — Excerpted from “Cuatrian Remnants in Italic Folk-lore and Culture” by Edwin Palmer (1908)
  15. Quatrian Symbology — An introduction to the Quatrian Symbols (used on the Oracle Cards).
  16. Quatrian Symbology p. 2 — How the Quatrian Symbols were “used” in divination and other magical practices.
  17. Some Quatrian Symbols In-Depth (an incomplete series):




Jeremy Puma
Quatrian Folkways Institute

Plants, Permaculture, Foraging, Food, and Paranormality. Resident Animist at Liminal.Earth