Go Big or Go Home

One year ago I joined a mission, here is how it is going.

Riccardo De Toni
3 min readDec 4, 2019


The beginning of this story is a fresh graduate in Economics who got suddenly in touch with the opportunity he was looking for: four experienced consultants with an ambitious but extraordinarily real plan to push forward the frontiers of digital transformation who were looking for energies to make it happen. Eccellente!

A few talks with the guys immediately proved that I actually found the right mix of winning mindset, striking ambition and deep knowledge of business. Indeed, the right environment to satisfy my desire to keep climbing the learning curve and really feel part of a mission.

Here we are, one year after.

Understand the processes. Challenge the ideas. Help to make a difference.

Whether it was mastering the fire in a cavern millenniums ago or it’s building innovative digital solutions nowadays, technology is all about supporting mankind and enabling it to raise the bar higher.

I keep learning what it truly means to help a business to understand, define and tackle its challenges.

I experienced that the recipe for success starts with that powerful method named Design Thinking. That is to say, a set of innovative and challenging activities to extract valuable ideas and start understanding the business.

There’s not a single day where I’m not broadening my business-wise expertise. Whether it is dealing with the stakeholders, understanding how to plan and prioritise a project or define and challenge the business processes, I have been endowed by a massive dose of trust and responsibilities, always backed up by the knowledge and the experience of my colleagues.

Translate the ideas into working solutions. Go deeper and deeper in technical matters. Create value.

The complexity of today’s challenges necessarily requires a combination of business and technical skills, none of the two excluded.

I experienced the difference between merely developing and developing long-lasting, performing and maintainable solutions. A gap that can be only filled with no compromises on architectural excellence and developing quality.

Leveraging the low-code platform OutSystems in combination with an Agile approach, I’ve been contributing since the early beginning to develop our back office and I’m delivering tangible value at the client on a daily basis.

My attitude has always been characterised by the quest for discovery. At Quatronic, I’ve always been encouraged to broaden my boundaries. In the last year, I’ve embraced technical challenges I could not even imagine before.

The right mindset. A winning squad. A big family.

Quatronic on the boat in Amsterdam Canals. Cheers!

When I look back to this year together, a big smile suddenly is painted on my face. All my expectations, even for the little details, turned out to be exceeded.

I’m proudly part of a team that has a broad knowledge of business but is as well capable to tackle complex technical challenges. But more importantly, it’s driven by a never satisfied ambition. A team where succeeding is the only possible option.

Feeling part of a company is already a remarkable achievement, but feeling part of a family is the next step. We work hard, we play harder and we celebrate together.

The Future. Together.

Forecasting isn’t always an exact science, but in this case we have all the elements to clear the uncertainty. We have a mission, great people and the right mindset.
When I joined Quatronic, I was the first one to do so. But I had no doubt that it was going to be a success. We now doubled in size with new amazing colleagues, we are helping a broader set of clients and we are already expanding internationally.

The trajectory of my growth is something I’m definitely proud of. New challenges are awaiting at the horizon and I’m looking forward to tackling them.

Non chi comincia ma quel che persevera!
(Not who commences but who perseveres)

