Test, test..

Erwin de Brouwer
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2020

It’s no secret that testing is a key ingredient in any software development process. After having performed tests like unit-, integration- and system tests, there is only one test left to be crossed off the list: the user acceptance test. Before an application is going live into production, the final step is to check whether the users are satisfied with the product’s overall usability and functionality. This is a critical step in the process, because it verifies whether the end users are actually happy with what is built.

Though developers may feel like they can look through the lens of a user, the only way to be certain of happy users is to let them test the product themselves. By performing these tests before moving to production, UAT will uncover defects and bugs before the end user is using it. And therefore, a properly executed UAT will save time, money, and frustration.

To actually perform UAT systematically, you need some way to register the tester’s findings. In our experience, companies often use Excel to support their UATs. Though that may look like an easy solution initially, it quickly turns into a mess when you want to manage multiple scenario’s and analyze results of multiple tests, performed by multiple testers. And let’s be honest, no one likes to dig through a big stack of Excel documents.

At Quatronic, we therefore started looking for an alternative. We wanted a tool that is simple, easy to use and easily maintainable. After some searching, it was clear that there are many tools available to perform UATs with. However, the majority was just too complex and extensive. Think of costly, large test management suites with functionalities that we were not going to use anyway. So we thought; why don’t we make it ourselves? After all, in our day-to-day work we use the low-code platform OutSystems which allows us to rapidly develop any app.

Fast forward a few weeks and the first version of our UAT app is ready to be used in our client’s projects. The app provides significant benefits for basically everyone involved in our projects. Our client’s product owners can now easily see the status of a test and check whether any previously failed tests are now passing. In short, it is way easier for them to see whether the product is ready to be released. They can now spend more time on actually improving the product and waste less on preparing and analyzing tests.

On the other hand, we sought to make it as easy as possible for testers to perform tests: one of the main design principles was “the less barriers for a tester, the better”. To this end, the UAT app is integrated with the app that is being tested so the user can start testing right away. This removes the need to download test sheets, switch between documents and the app and upload/email the results back to the development team. Instead, the team can see the results and user feedback in real time with just a few mouse clicks.

So, the end result is that we have:

  • Fully documented user acceptance tests without the hassle of many different documents or files;
  • Product owners that experience less hassle with organizing User Acceptance Tests;
  • Testers/key users who are more engaged because they are part of the development process;
  • A development team that sees instant feedback of the acceptance test;
  • What it’s all about: a better software application!

Are you curious about the way deliver our software products at Quatronic, please shoot me or one of my colleagues a message!

