📝How To Stake AGORIC BLD with Keplr Wallet

Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2022


🔴What is Agoric?

Agoric is a proof-of-stake network that utilizes JavaScript smart contracts, enabling developers to deploy and build decentralized applications and DeFi seamlessly. The BLD staking token secures and governs the Agoric chain and economy, while IST, which is issued by Inter Protocol, is an IBC stablecoin designed to facilitate economic growth on the network.

🔵What is Keplr Wallet?

Keplr wallet is the leading, IBC-enabled wallet for the Cosmos ecosystem, and beyond. It’s being developed by the Chainapsis team who have been building ecosystem tools since 2019 and have previously won several Cosmos HackAtoms.

In this guide, we are using the Keplr extension from the Chrome web store and Keplr dashboard to create a new wallet and stake your tokens successfully.

1️⃣️Install Keplr wallet extension

If you haven’t yet, go to https://www.keplr.app/ and click on the “Install Keplr” button. On the new screen Select “Chrome” and a new window will open asking you to add the Keplr wallet to your Chrome browser. Select “Add to Chrome”.

2️⃣Create your Keplr wallet

Once you open the Keplr extension, you can either “Create new account” or “Import existing account”.

Follow the on-screen instructions and make sure you have backed up your mnemonic seed securely and preferably offline.
⚠️ Never share this phrase with anyone!

Once you have backed up your mnemonics, enter the name of the wallet and confirm it by selecting “Next”. You will be asked to confirm the seed phrase that you have just backed up. After that select “Register” and your Keplr wallet will be successfully created.

3️⃣Stake your tokens

Open your Keplr wallet extension, choose Agoric network and select “Stake”.

A new window will open up taking you to Keplr staking dashboard where you can see all of the available validators. If you liked this guide and would like to support our efforts, then you can delegate to “Qubelabs” validator.

In order to stake your tokens, select “Manage” and a new pop-up will appear where you can delegate, undelegate or redelegate BLD tokens. Select “Delegate” and enter the amount of BLD you would like to delegate to the selected validator. After that, another pop-up will show where you need to confirm the staking transaction by selecting “Approve”.

That’s it, congratulations! ✅
You have now successfully staked your BLD tokens.

To stay in touch with the latest developments of Agoric, visit:
Website: https://agoric.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/agoric
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/qDW8DRes4s

About Qubelabs.io

Qubelabs is your trusted partner for blockchain consultancy and validating services of the Web 3.0 Ecosystem. By working with us, you get a committed partner that contributes to the growth and development of the networks we work with.

If you would like to learn more about Qubelabs.io, here are our official links:

Website: https://qubelabs.co/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/qubelabs

Agoric Validator:

The Qubelabs team.




Your trusted partner for blockchain consultancy and validating services of the Web 3.0 ecosystem. https://qubelabs.io