Design simplicity: from complex data to cutting-edge tech

Giovanni Luperti
Qubit Design
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2017

Big data — like customer data — and the application of machine learning to it can easily become abstract and daunting, but with a streamlined interface and careful data visualisation design, data analytics and personalisation have become tangible, comprehensible and elegant.

Design for everyone, ignore no one

In the product design team at Qubit, our approach to enterprise design is simple and fresh: we design business tools as if they were consumer products.

The Qubit platform is designed for our clients’ web teams — marketers, merchandisers, analysts, developers, designers and more. While some users are technically minded, keeping to a user-centric approach makes the platform accessible to everyone.

Our aim with the design is to empower users of all skillsets, so that they can focus on their customers and building an informed strategy using their business knowledge and customer insight, instead of forcing them to spend time learning to use a new system.

The power of the Qubit platform is the freedom and flexibility it gives to marketers trapped in long and expensive development cycles. We’ve prioritised architecture design, so users have a cohesive, familiar experience across the platform — from exploring customer data and identifying new segments to building influential personalisations, and getting them live, fast.

Deliver a sparkling sense of joy

“The best way to choose what to keep and what to throw away is to take each item in one’s hand and ask: “Does this spark joy?” If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it. This is not only the simplest but also the most accurate yardstick by which to judge.” ― Marie Kondō, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Throughout the platform we prioritised consistency, comprehensibility and easy access, so our users can concentrate on creating personalisations for their customers, rather than the technology they are using.

1. A core of consistency

We created our own flexible design system framework, using fresh, elegant components which are applied consistently across the different product areas to provide a cohesive user experience.

We structured the design architecture for familiarity, building them around existing users’ mental models to increase the platform accessibility.

2. Comprehensibility without compromise

We made an interface presenting high density data accessible and digestible a platform with an interface presenting high density data.

We transformed analytics reporting from a daunting aggregation of numbers and charts, adopting a semantic approach to facilitate insights generation and to enable anyone to understand platform activity, revenue and visitor segments.

3. Fast usability

We streamlined complex user flows enabling users to focus on the creating personalisations at speed.

We created seamless user onboarding and educational by using familiar patterns and constraining the introduction of new design elements to a minimum.

It is often said that the best designs go unnoticed. For us, the beauty of our platform is the simplification of complex information to empower and inspire our clients. Our goals are to ensure our clients can focus on their customers, and that their customers experience seamless online experiences, where everything seems tailored just for them — because it is.

This article was originally published on the Qubit blog

If you’re keen to know more about design at Qubit, ping me @giovanniluperti.

