How to monitor a queue based application

Qubit Engineering
Published in
14 min readMay 15, 2017

Stash Deferred

At Qubit, we have a service named ‘Stash Deferred’. It reads from a database, GCP’s Cloud Bigtable, and writes to AWS’s Kinesis. Recently it underwent a bit of a renovation by the team that I am on, and a colleague commented that the end result had quite good monitoring, potentially worth of being a case study. So here’s that.

Stash Deferred is a system for deferring message writes. A user sends, via a HTTP call, a message, and an expiry timestamp. When the expiry time is reached, the message is put onto the Kinesis queue. There is no guarantee of ordering given.

Bigtable is a key value store that supports ‘get’, ‘set’, ‘delete’ and ‘scan’. Scan allows you to request values between two keys, in lexicographical (alphabetical) order. This is the operation that Stash Deferred uses to fetch messages that should be sent. Every interval we send a request for all of the values with keys between ‘deferred:’ and ‘deferred:’. These are the messages have ‘expired’, and should be put onto the Kinesis queue.

So, fairly simple. We read rows from Bigtable, publish their contents to Kinesis, then delete them from Bigtable. This look something like this:

The internal arrows here are unbuffered Go channels. We use them as we perform the operations at different rates; scans happen in large batches, publishes are unbatched, and deletes use small batches.

All of the monitoring here is going to be done using Prometheus, with some small bits of Grafana. I guess you could replicate most of this with other monitoring systems, though I’m not sure why you’d want to. Give Prometheus a go. It’s pretty good.

Basic Monitoring

There are three main operations here that we want to monitor; scan, publish, and delete. For each of these operations (and basically any operation in any application) there are two properties we can easily instrument: duration and count. I’ll use the Kinesis publisher as my example for this. We define two metrics:

var (
kinesisWriteCount = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Name: "stashdef_kinesis_message_write_total",
Help: "count of kinesis messages written, tagged by result",
kinesisWriteDuration = prometheus.NewHistogram(
Name: "stashdef_kinesis_message_write_duration_seconds",
Help: "duration of kinesis write operations",
Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.1, math.Sqrt(10), 6),

If you’ve never seen Prometheus metrics before, then I’ll give you a brief explanation of what I’m declaring here.

The first metric is the variable kinesisWriteCount, which is registered as stashdef_kinesis_message_write_total on the Prometheus server. This might seem like a crazy long name, but there is a certain logic to it. Prometheus metrics follow the naming convention of <namespace>_<metric name>_<units>. In this case, our namespace is the abbreviated name of our program, stashdef. The name of the metric is always a little contentious, but kinesis_message_write is an understandable description of the operation we're monitoring. The unit is even less clear, using total. There is debate whether total or count is clearer to use when you're counting something, but I use total, as count is often used by the default Prometheus libraries, and my use is not always compatible with their use.

The other thing to note about this metric is that we have a label on it. Prometheus allows you to add labels to your metrics, adding additional dimensions. In Qubit, we have a convention of having a label called result, which has two values: success and failure.

The second metric is the variable kinesisWriteDuration, registered as stashdef_kinesis_message_write_duration_seconds. Much the same as the above, the key differences are that this is a histogram. A histogram is made up of a number of counters, each representing a different bucket. Here I set up a set of exponentially distributed buckets, with 0.1 being my starting bucket, root 10 being my exponent, and 6 being the number of buckets. This results in rough buckets of request counts where the durations were between [0,0.1), [0.1,0.316..), [0.316..,1), etc etc. The use of math.Sqrt(10) as the exponent gives us 2 buckets per order of magnitude, which is useful to cover a large range of possible durations when you don’t always know what the ‘normal’ range for the operation is.t

The other change is in the name of the metric, where we exchange total for duration_seconds. Adding the unit to the metric name makes life easier for everyone involved, and seconds is preferred for durations, given its SI status. All Prometheus metrics are 64 bit floating point numbers, so the number of cases where using seconds as a unit could cause issues is negligible.

With our metric set up, we can now instrument our publishing code.

func (k *KinesisWriter) Write(ctx context.Context, messageChan <-chan Message, delchan chan<- string) error {
for {
var msg Message
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case msg = <-messageChan:
started := time.Now()
err := k.publish(msg)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("could not publish message: %v", err)
} else {
kinesisWriteDuration.Observe(float64(time.Since(started)) / float64(time.Second))
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case delchan <- msg.AckId:

Gripping stuff. I’ve omitted some code that handles retries and suchlike. With this, we get some incredibly useful metrics. Let’s play with them.

The first thing I’d like to see is the throughput of my system. This is the rate of increase of the write count metric:


As our metric is not a continuous function, we can’t simply differentiate it, so we need to specify over what period we want our rate to be calculated. This is the period in the square brackets. 1m is a convention within Qubit, along with 30m for when you want a calmer, PM friendly, view. In general, the smaller the window, the less data required, the faster the result.\

A general note about rates: it is statistically meaningless to compare two metrics that have been calculated using rates across different intervals. This is why it is so important to develop strong conventions around rate intervals. Imagine a (contrived) situation where your ops team has calculated network traffic rates at the 5m interval and you have calculated row processing rate at the 30m interval. Any comparison between the two metrics now becomes a statistical minefield that would make Brian Brazil very unhappy if he learnt about it.

When we graph this in the Prometheus UI, we get

What we see here is that Prometheus has calculated the rate for each set of labels we have sent. In the graph’s legend, we can see the set of labels that Prometheus has associated with our metrics. Many of them are generated by Prometheus based on the metadata attached to our application’s deployment, but on the far right we can see the result metric. If we had more that one instance of the application running, we would end up with more than 2 lines. To merge those lines together, we need to specify an aggregation method. In this case, as we are interested in the throughput of the system, we probably want to sum all the lines together, to get the number of messages we are handling per second:


Realistically, the information we want on our Grafana dashboard is probably the overall success and error rates. We can do this by summing over a specific label. This is similar to the GROUP BY statement in SQL:

sum(rate(stashdef_kinesis_message_write_total[1m])) by (result)

Putting that on our dashboard, we get

Beautiful. No errors! Let’s take a look at our duration metrics next.

With duration, we have no choice but to show a statistic, as a time series of a histogram is not particularly possible when we only have two dimensions. An easy to calculate statistic is the mean time the publish operation takes.

rate(stashdef_kinesis_message_write_duration_seconds_sum[1m]) /

However the mean is a widely discredited statistic in monitoring circles. Much preferred is the quantile. Prometheus allows us to calculate quantiles from histograms using the histogram_quantile function.


Here we can see that our 99%th percentile publish duration is usually 300ms, jumping up to 700ms occasionally. One great thing about Prometheus is that there is rarely any confusion over the units, as functions do not as a rule change units between input and output.

Let’s put this quantile, along with 50% and 90%, on our Grafana and admire the result.

And now repeat for the other two operations. We now have basic instrumentation that we could apply to pretty much any operation in any program, and get some form of useful result.

Slightly interesting monitoring

Is there anything more we need to measure about our program? There are a few things that this program does that verge on interesting, and we should probably get some visibility on.

When we read from Bigtable, there is a chance that the row we read is one that we have read previously, and is currently in the process of being written to Kinesis or deleted from Bigtable. To combat this, we maintain a list of active records, and do not send rows to be published if they are in the list of actives. This gives a rate of duplicates, which we might like to measure.

var (
bigtableScanDuplicateCount = prometheus.NewCounter(
Name: "stashdef_duplicates_filtered_total",
Help: "Count of duplicate messages filtered on scan",
func (b *BigtableScanner) Scan(ctx context.Context, messageChan chan<- Message) error {
if b.IsActive(msg) {
} else {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case messageChan <- msg:

This metric isn’t particularly interesting, but duplication is one of the states that a row finish in, so having visibility of it is useful. I doubt I’d ever alert on it, but I might graph it during an incident to see if anything funky was going on.

Building a diagram

With that metric, we now have visibility on every exit point of a row from our application. At Qubit we have a third party plugin installed in our Grafana, jdbranham’s diagram plugin. It lets you create diagrams using Mermaid syntax, and then annotate them and style them based on the value of metrics. This allows you to produce something like this.

This gives us an overview of how the system works, which is incredibly useful all on its own, and a quick look at the rates going through each component.

The value here isn’t in the quality of the data, as obviously a chart showing us these values over time would give us a much better dataset with which to judge things on. The value is the ability for anyone in the company to come to the Grafana page and see at a glance the components that make up the system.

Dashboards aren’t just about showing data. They also need to be interpretable by people, preferable including the people who didn’t create the dashboard. This is why giving plots titles, units, and even descriptions makes the difference between some metrics on a page and an actual dashboard. The diagram is just another tool in that direction.

The diagram plugin takes two main set of inputs. The first is the Mermaid specification for the diagram, and the second is the mapping from node on the diagram to metric.

The Mermaid specification for the above graph is provided below. It’s pretty incomprehensible, and the only way you’ll get any value out of this section is by installing the diagram plugin and trying out it out.

graph LR
subgraph stash
W[User] ==> S
S(Stash) ==> A[BigTable]subgraph deferred-backend
A ==> B(BT Scaner)
B --> B1>Duplicate]
B --> B2>Error]
B ==> C(Kinesis Publisher)
C --> C1>Error]
C ==> D(BT Deleter)
D ==> A
D --> D1>Error]
C ==> E[Kinesis]

Each of the names of the nodes (A, B, etc) needs a metric to go along with it. I really recommend using the same units for every metric in the diagram. I've gone with sum(rate(<metric>[1m])), and I explain that in the title. This bit is super boring, as you're just matching up labels to metrics.

General notes on the diagram plugin:

  1. It’ll look ugly. I know. I’m sorry.
  2. I wish I could use dot syntax, but the fact that Mermaid is so limiting but the plugin is still so useful speaks to the power of diagrams.
  3. Use shapes to classify components. I use rectangles for datastores, rounded rectangles for processes, and the weird asymmetric shape for resulting states.
  4. Avoid squares, circles and rhombuses. Their volume increases at the square of the length of any text inside them. This means that a square Duplicate would be much bigger than a square Error, suggesting to the user there are more duplicates happening than errors.

Top users

Nothing we’ve done so far introspects the data coming through our system. One common question during an incident relating to volume is ‘did someone start sending something new’? We can add a metric to capture this.

var (
kinesisDecodeCount = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Name: "stashdef_kinesis_message_decode_total",
Help: "count of kinesis messages written, tagged by stream name",

This metric has the tag stream, which contains the name of the Kinesis stream we are publishing the messages to.

Now, there are issues with this, the primary being that the values of stream are unbounded. Prometheus scales primarily with the number of metrics, and each new value of stream creates a new metrics. However, in our situation, we are only creating a single metric per stream value, and the value of being able to see different stream names is greater than the risks involved. When we graph this, we probably only care about the top few streams. For this, we can use Prometheus's topk aggregation.

topk(4, sum(rate(stashdef_kinesis_message_decode_total[1m]) by (stream))

I’m never 100% sure if this is worth it. There have been dashboards where I have displayed this metric, then removed it, and the re-added it. It’s probably worth having, but looking at it for too long will turn it into a vanity metric.


When the system reaches saturation, the limiting factor is the Bigtable scanner. However, it’s perfectly possible that the Kinesis publisher could become very slow, or that the Bigtable deleter could slow down. As the channels between the components are unbuffered, a slowdown upstream should cause the send on the channel to slow down, and by measuring this, we can get a sense of it there is a non scanner slowdown. Implementing this is easy enough.

var (
bigtableScanBackpressure = prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Name: "stashdef_bigtable_row_scan_backpressure_seconds",
Help: "Backpressure on the channel out of the row scan",
Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.001, 3, 6),
func (b *BigtableScanner) Scan(ctx context.Context, messageChan chan<- Message) error {
sendStarted := time.Now()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case messageChan <- msg:
bigtableScanBackpressure.Observe(float64(time.Since(sendStarted)) / float64(time.Second))

This metric is almost always incredibly low, as a channel send is very fast when there is a listener on the other end. However, as soon as there is a delay upstream, this metric becomes very important.

Plotting this in Grafana, I take the same approach as our other duration based metrics, using quantiles at 50%, 90%, and 99%.

The use of a log scale here makes it easier to handle the massive difference between an unhindered send, which is under 1ms, and a hindered send, which can be in the 100s of milliseconds.

Pageable metrics

I wouldn’t page on any of the metrics we’ve collected so far. The key property for an alert being pagable is user impact, and everything we’ve talked is very much a cause, not a symptom. To work out what we want to page on, we need to think about what happens when our system fails, and what do our users experience. In this case, there are two main symptoms; message lag and message drops.

To measure these, we have a completely separate application. This application (I call it lag-monitor) periodically sends messages with very short expiry, and then listens to the destination queue to see how long it takes before a message comes through. This exposes two main metrics

const (
stashDeferredLag = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stashdef_lag_seconds",
Help: "The last Stash deferred lag",
stashDeferredLastReceived = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "stashdef_last_received_timestamp_seconds",
Help: "The timestamp when we last received a message from Stash deferred",

I’m going to omit the code that writes to these metrics, as it’s fairly involved
in talking to the frontend of the service, though it looks a little like.

func sender(...) {
for time.Tick(interval) {
func receiver(...) {
for msg := range receiveMessages() {
lag := time.Since(msg.SentAt)
stashDeferredLag.Set(float64(lag) / float64(time.Second))
stashDeferredLastReceived.Set(time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e9)

Notably, this monitors more than just the Stash Deferred service, it also
monitors the service that inserts messages into the BigTable database. You could question whether this really constitutes monitoring for this service, but if the frontend goes down then my service’s users are affected, and I want to know when that happens.

The current lag can then be calculated as the time since we got a message, plus the lag on that message. This looks like

(time() - max(stashdef_last_received_timestamp_seconds)) + max(stashdef_lag_seconds)

We don’t just track the stashdef_lag_seconds as if the lag monitor were to fail, that metric would stop updating. The safest measure of lag is the lag measured by the lag monitor plus the time since we last measured that lag, as if the lag monitor fails, the result of time() will continue increasing regardless.

The spiky nature of this graph comes from our use of Prometheus’s time function, which steadily increases, while the last received metric resets every time we get a message.

This is the metric I want to alert on. Let’s write a Prometheus alert on this

job:stashdef_lag:seconds =
(time() - max(stashdef_last_received_timestamp_seconds)) + max(stashdef_lag_seconds)
ALERT StashDeferredLagHigh
IF job:stashdef_lag:seconds > 5 * 60
FOR 2m
description="Stash deferred messages are arriving {{ $value }} seconds after they were scheduled (threshold 5m)"

Here we set up a recording rule to continuously calculate and store our lag, along with an alert on that lag calculation. The alert syntax is a wee bit odd, but should read: the alert StashDeferredLagHigh will fire if the metric job:stashdef_lag:seconds is greater than 300 for 2 minutes. When it fires, it should send to the slack channel stash-deferred, with the following description [description omitted].

The durations specified in the alert above are a bit arbitrary, and will be subject to tweaks over time. With the current setup, we can say that should the process stop processing messages altogether, it will take 4 minutes before the metric is above 300 seconds (i.e. 5 minutes of lag), and then another 2 minutes before the alert will fire. This is perfectly acceptable for this system. Your system may have very different users who rely on a different guarantees.

The Slack integration is set up in our alertmanager config. I’d really recommend integrating with whatever chat system your organisation uses. Recording rules are also a great idea, and in general if you want a dashboard to load quickly, I’d recommend implementing the queries you are plotting as recording rules.

Putting it together

Our final dashboard looks like…

The additions made here are:

  1. The Bigtable deletion rate graph. Failed Bigtable deletions can result in duplicate messages, so we prioritise this metric.
  2. Component memory usage. This is a metric fetched from the Kubernetes cluster, and is mostly there so I can say ‘look how efficient it is!’

In the future, as I gain more experience operating this service, I plan to demote some of the duration metrics to below the fold on this dashboard, as they seem to be subject to seemingly alarming changes under completely normal operation. I also hope to spend some time addressing dropped messages in a more holistic manner in the lag monitor component.



Qubit Engineering

'God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was a monad.' @qubit! Engineering! Infrastructure!