Kubernetes: Up & Integrated — Authentication

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane
Qubit Engineering
Published in
10 min readOct 27, 2017

This is the first in a four part series on how Qubit have built our production ready Kubernetes (k8s) environments. There are already many excellent tutorials on k8s. The title of these articles is an homage to Kubernetes Up and Running, the (presumably excellent) k8s guide by Brendan Burns, Kelsey Hightower and Joe Beda. In these articles, we hope to cover the more advanced techniques we required to make k8s work at “modern enterprise” scale.

We hope to cover:

  • Authentication and RBAC across multiple cloud providers.
  • Secret and configuration management, replacing Puppet with HashiCorp’s Vault.
  • Ingress, DNS, and migration strategies.
  • Observability.

On the way we will briefly mention how the features map to our preexisting tools and policies, and how k8s has helped us build on them. Code samples will be provided where possible, and we do hope to open source more of our tooling in future. I will not hide the warts in our deploy, or the gaps in the tooling. The goal is to present a realistic picture of the reality of a Kubernetes deployment at scale.

Becoming Cloud Agnostic

Qubit have been early adopters of Cloud, PaaS, and container deployments. We have built features on everything from on-prem Hadoop, AWS Lambda and RDS, to Google Cloud Platform BigQuery and Dataflow. The on-prem and VM deploys were traditionally managed by Puppet, and our micro-services were either deployed directly to VMs, or via containers to Mesos/Marathon clusters hosted in AWS. As GKE appeared some teams began to take advantage of it leading to a split, with some internal tooling focused on Marathon, and various ad hoc deploys on GKE.

Since our micro-services require access to PaaS services from a variety of cloud providers, we wanted a deployment mechanism that was the same regardless of the actual underlying cloud provider. This allows us to co-locate services with their dependencies, simplifying access to PaaS services and minimising cross cloud data transfer and latency. A common deployment method also allows us to be more responsive to changes in contracts/costs as cloud provider offerings change.

As k8s development progressed it became a more obvious choice for a single platform to target. GKE had largely solved the problem of how to deploy k8s to Google Cloud (not without its own issues as we shall discuss later). After a review of the options for AWS k8s deploys we eventually settled on kops. Kops allows multi-master, multi-AZ cluster setup, and management of multiple instance groups. Kops VM base images are well maintained allowing us to avoid Puppet management of the underlying VMs. Kops updates, and rolling updates (especially with KOPS_FEATURE_FAGS="+DraingAndValidateRollingUpdate"), actually seem to behave better than the GKE equivalent (where the master can frequently become unresponsive during updates).

Kubernetes Authentication Webhooks

Kubernetes Role Based Access Control (RBAC) was in its early stages during the beginning of our exploration of production k8s. Our initial attempts at GKE avoided the subject completely, but it was obvious from Day 1 that building larger, more efficient, multi-tenant clusters was going to require RBAC. If you are going to use RBAC you need to be know who is using the cluster. This is where Authentication comes in.

For GKE we disable all legacy authentication, enable RBAC, and enable IAM authentication. This is easy, but does have its limits. In particular, the permissions that can be granted are at a much coarser level than we would like. We’ll discuss this further when we come to our RBAC configuration.

Enabling RBAC on a kops cluster is easy enough, simply edit the cluster, update authorization to rbac: {}, and roll out the changes. At this time integrating authentication is not quite as smooth.

K8s API Server has support for authenticating users via a handful of options:

  • File of static usernames/passwords for use via Basic Authentication to the API. These are convenient for bootstrapping, and could work for small teams, but would require configuration management, and would not integrate with an external auth provider.
  • File of static tokens. As above.
  • Certificates signed by the k8s CA. It is possible to integrate this with HashiCorp’s Vault, but that complicates the kops bootstrapping process. Vault did not support GCP authentication at the time, the option is now there so this may be a more practical solution, though support for verifying users Group Membership may not be easy/possible.
  • A webhook for verifying bearer tokens presented to the API.

For our AWS clusters, the webhook was the obvious choice. The manner of configuration is somewhat awkward. A kubectlstyle configuration file must be placed on each master, the content is as follows.

- name: authn-api
certificate-authority: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
server: https://authn-api/oauth2/k8sTokenReview
- name: authn-api
current-context: webhook
- context:
cluster: auth-api
user: authn-api
name: webhook

The kops definition must also be updated:

authenticationTokenWebhookCacheTtl: 2m0s
authenticationTokenWebhookConfigFile: /srv/kubernetes/authn-webhook.yaml

Unfortunately, there is no current way to set the content of the yaml webhook directly in the kops definition. This means that it must be copied to the server at a known path on each master. Stateful drives are mounted at different locations on each machine, and other storage is recreated when masters are updated. This means that when the masters are updated the file must be copied back up to the known location. Solutions for this are in the works, and there may be other options that your author has not considered. Master updates are not so frequent that this has become a major problem.

Authentication: Tokens Everywhere

We rely on Google’s G Suite for e-mail and much of our documentation, so basing our primary authentication on our Google G Suite credentials has always been the obvious choice. Service Accounts provide a means for us authenticate between micro-services. Google’s own APIs for JWT signing and authentication do not include Google Group membership, and only provide Authorization features for Google’s own APIs and products. For this reason Qubit have an internal service for signing JWTs, and performing OAuth 2.0 flows. Ours is a relatively simple service, CoreOS Dex would be the obvious choice for anyone starting out today.

Integrating our existing JWT token authentication with k8s has been a fun and refreshingly easy experience. The webhook request and response format can be found in the k8s documentation, and our implementation is simply a matter of verifying the passed in JWT token, and breaking out the groups from the JWT claim fields. The process is entirely stateless and could actually be run as a small service within the cluster. The process is not particularly latency sensitive, so we actually have the token verification endpoint on our token issuing/signing service.

The most pleasant aspect of the integration comes from an, almost hidden, feature of kubectl. If you already use GKE with IAM authentication, and happen to look in your .kube/config, you will see something like the following in the users: section.

- name: gke_project_us-central1-mycluster
access-token: ya4......
cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json
cmd-path: /home/joe/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud
expiry: 2017-09-13 15:01:44
expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}'
token-key: '{.credential.access_token}'
name: gcp

The access-token and expiry are cached values. The interesting part is the cmd-args and cmd-path. If name is set to “gcp”, kubectl will take credentials from the output of executing the given command. The output is treated as JSON, and the -key fields are JsonPath query expressions into the resulting data.

If we are devious enough to pretend, for a moment, that “gcp” does not have to stand for Google Cloud Platform, but could be General Cloudy Provider, we can leverage this for our own ends. At Qubit we already have a CLI tool used by our developers for various deployment tasks. It was a simple task to add an extra command to this to allow the issuing of a JWT token. When run, the standard OAuth 2.0 browser flow occurs, and all being well, a signed JWT is retrieved from our API server and dumped out in a sufficient compatible JSON format.

The end result is that a simple kubectl get podscommand will:

  1. Run our CLI tool to get a token.
  2. Verify the user via OAuth.
  3. Cache the token in kubectl.
  4. Pass this token, which includes the users groups, as the API token.
  5. The Authn API server calls the webhook to verify the token.
  6. The Authn API server verifies the token and informs k8s of the user’s group membership.

Role Based Access Control and Helm

Kubernetes has a powerful and elegant system for configuration of role and privilege. Users, and groups of users, can be granted various permissions, either cluster wide via ClusterRoleBindings, or within specific namespaces via RoleBinding. We will not attempt to describe the details of RBAC here, but one particular aspect is worth additional attention.

Our goal in configuring RBAC is to give the developer the freedom to work directly with the k8s API via any tools they wish, whilst simultaneously trying to provide a degree of protection for services required by our infrastructure team. We would like teams to be able to share clusters, but would also like to be able to segregate their jobs when required. The strategy we have settled on is to give developers full access to namespaces, based on their Google Cloud group membership. All teams share access to the default namespace. Teams can have their own namespace, or namespaces for specific applications. The infrastructure team have a namespace for running more privileged applications (for instance, requiring unavoidable, high value secrets). No teams deploy anything to, or interact with, the kube-system namespace.

There are several choices for how to go about provisioning your services into k8s clusters. Most tutorials focus on using kubectldirectly, there are also several templating solutions. For better or worse, we have settled on Helm. Helm’s concept of a release, with history and rollbacks, provides us a nice model for managing all aspects of a deploy. Rebuilding our existing deployment tool (that targets Docker and Marathon), to support Helm was relatively straightforward.

One downside of Helm is Tiller. Tiller is a small service deployed in your cluster which acts as the state store for Helm, keeping the required and previous configuration state in k8s configmaps. Tiller must be installed in the cluster, and must have permission to create resources. It is no longer our users doing the deploying, Tiller does this for them.

By default Tiller is installed to the kube-system namespace. A regular install would likely give Tiller, and by extension the developer using Helm to deploy to it, full access to all k8s namespaces. In multi-tenant clusters that is not acceptable. Fortunately this can be avoided.

Let us say we have a team called team-a. We will create a namespace for them, and grant them full privileges to a namespace, also called team-a.

$ kubectl create namespace team-a
$ kubectl create rolebinding team-a-admin --namespace team-a \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin --group=team-a

This creates the namespace and assigns the cluster-admin ClusterRole, as a RoleBinding in the team-a namespace, to members of team-a. It is important to note that this is a RoleBinding tied to the namespace, not a ClusterRoleBinding, which would give cluster-admin rights to the entire cluster. It seems odd but you can bind a ClusterRole with a RoleBinding, with the subsequent access being allowed only to a specific namespace.

Now, if we deploy Tiller to this namespace, it will get the default service account. This account does not have sufficient privileges to manage resources in the namespace. Instead we create a service account for Tiller, and create it a RoleBinding that binds it to the cluster-admin ClusterRole in our team-a namespace.

$ kubectl create --namespace team-a serviceaccount tiller
$ kubectl create --namespace team-a rolebinding team-a-tiller \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=team-a:tiller

We can now deploy Tiller:

$ helm init --upgrade --tiller-namespace team-a \
--service-account tiller

And our developers can finally use it:

$ helm --tiller-namespace team-a install alpha/hackernewsthing

By restricting our developers to particular namespaces we gain an additional layer of security, and can also hide some of the guts of our internal cluster management tooling from them. It gives us more options for controlling resource quotas on a per-namespace basis, and potentially segregating work on the underlying VMs via namespaces too (this would require admission control, but should be possible).

When is AWS is more GCP than GKE?

One curious aspect of the configuration described above is worth further discussion. Our own token issuing service fully exposes the group membership of the user by embedding them in the JWT token. Google’s equivalent tokens, the ones we use when talking to GKE via IAM, do not. There are sound technical reasons for this. At Google’s scale, resolving group memberships is an expensive operation. At our scale it is not. The practical upshot of this though is that in GKE we cannot use RBAC rules to limit the namespaces a given user can manage.

In GKE we must grant the developer broad rights to, at the very least, see the cluster. It is technically possible, via custom IAM Policies, to restrict this to a very minimal set of rights, however, our RBAC policies can only ever match specific users, or everyone that is authenticated, not groups. The practical upshot is that we must give the developer full access to the cluster, allowing them full visibility, and management, of all namespaces. As well as the obvious security implications, this also exposes the developer to having to see a large number of API objects which they have no interest in.

We can create smaller clusters, assigning IAM rights to entire clusters, but to smaller teams, however the extra clusters create an operational burden, and ultimately are less cost effective in terms of resource usage.

For the moment we are accepting the coarser IAM permissions. Google are working on this issue. It will be interesting to see how well integrated into RBAC their final approach will be. In the longer term, if a suitable solution is not found, we still have the option of building kops clusters on GCP. The gap in features between a GKE cluster and a kops GCE cluster is less than one might imagine. As you will see in Ingress and Observability sections later on, we leverage less GKE features than one might reasonably expect, and the additional access to direct Kubernetes API Server features may outweigh the benefits of GKE in the long run.


With the configuration described above we have a solid basis for multi-tenant clusters. Authentication is built on top of a preexisting company standard, and is relatively consistent between our two cloud providers. Google G Suite remains our single source of truth for group membership, and thus authentication and authorisation. kubectl’s cmd-path feature has allowed us to ensure that the developer’s experience of using the clusters is in line with what they will find in any Kubernetes tutorial on-line.

