The Healing Butterfly

4 Soul Code Rules: Stop Holding Back

Create and share your work while never worrying about what other people think. For Creators & Messengers.

Infiniti 🦋
Queen’s Children


Photo by Snapwire

Infiniti is a Lightworker, Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium, Natural Born Quantum Distance Healer, Psychic Advisor, Channel, Medium, Pet Psychic, Soul Guide, Spiritual Liaison & Ascension Coach. Once living constant pain, now she eliminates pain in others! Discover: The Healing

Freedom & Self Censorship

All of us have been there. Deciding to hit send or publish. Contemplating telling someone what you know is the truth, or your intuition about something.

“Should I put this out there?” Something tells you that you must, but you’re scared. It’s private, it’s personal, it’s a belief that most may not share, it’s a truth someone (or many) may get upset about, you may even know you’ll hear back in a negative way. It’s easier just to not even go there sometimes-or most of the time. Staying in neutral is definitely easier. But maybe it’s not where we’re meant to be.

I’ve learned these rules to get out of my own way and let the chips fall where they may. You may be A Creator & Messenger, and maybe these rules will help you, too.

Recently I was listening to a conversation about this topic and how they hold back so much of what they want to say because their afraid of the backlash. Whether it’s a social media post, a mass email, a story, a book, artwork, or telling someone what you know you should-I really can understand self preservation.

But I can’t live in that space-not anymore and not for a long time and I hadn’t given it a lot of thought until listening to that conversation-but I’ve really come a long way in this regard. I had to. I was forced to. It wasn’t my choice-it was my Souls’, and I had to figure that out.

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The Tree of Life: What It’s Like On A Path of Knowing

To help you understand why I’ve adopted these Soul Code Rules to live by (and why they work) let me first explain how life is for me as briefly as I can. Some of my experiences may even resonate with you.

I’m a Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium & Natural Born Energy Healer (and then some) not that I ever knew about myself in these certain psychic or spiritual terms most of my life.

Long story short (you can find the long story on my website) the bottom line is that aside from being able to feel people and their bodies like it’s my body-their pain is my pain-exactly like it and where-and I help people heal from whatever pain or illness they have and I can feel their emotions as well.

This is actually the more “typical” ability of Empaths-knowing how people feel, picking up on energies, being the helper/healer emotionally or physically taking care of others, being the coach, cheerleader, nurse and “mood picker-upper” in your personal or processional life, having a “feeling” about things-basically: being psychic means getting energetic information in different ways that others can’t “see or hear”.

Although many Empaths wouldn’t consider themselves psychic but that’s only because they haven’t recognized how they are psychic or put intent behind it to “build up the muscle”. And going a step further, many people who are Empaths don’t know or if they have heard of Empaths-they don’t fully understand what they are or recognize themselves and one and wouldn’t consider themselves one-or change their outlook on life because of it. But they should. It would make life much easier.

When you are intentional about understanding your Empathic ways, your abilities and tendencies, the way your body reacts to people, places or situations to signal you (more on that shortly) it not only improves your psychic or telepathic abilities, but it gets you closer to your Guides & Guardians and your own Soul. Basically-your Divine Spiritual Connections get stronger and easier to understand.

Tapping in with your Higher Self, your Soul is also a direct line of communication with whatever you perceive as your “God”. Each Soul is a fractal of our Prime Creators; Mother-Father God (that is always how I refer to “God”.)

We are fractals of them, we are both Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine, as are they. Simply put: Man cannot birth a baby without the female, and the female cannot birth the baby without the male either.

There needs to be this balance of energies to create life, but we forget that there needs to be this balance of energy to SUSTAIN our lives. More on The Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine in another article coming soon.

As such, when we work on being guided from that higher perspective, (the more balanced the better) so we can let go of the need to control, and just be guided-knowing that whatever we are guided to create and share is in alignment with everything that is in the highest possible vibration and outcome for all involved-whether it’s “The Masses” or just one person.

For more information on Empaths:

Photo by Johannes Plenio

Child Psychic

When I was 5–7 years old I was giving messages to groups of people and one day on the way to a “party” my mother asked me to “not be so serious” about the things I told the people, or to “tone it down” because sometimes your messages “upset them”.

I knew at that young age that what my mother was telling me to do was like changing a sacred document-even though I didn’t know what that meant then-I knew it was not OK.

If the messages come, or I’m guided to act in a certain way-and I change that-then I’ve inserted myself into the equation and for the most part-unless it is involving me directly-that is going against the idea of what it means to be A Messenger.

I have had to make these lines of distinction for myself and others. What I tell you isn’t a message from me-it’s a message to you from your Guides. I’m really just the messenger.

If I don’t give you what is yours, then I’m a thief.

All Creators & Messengers should see themselves this way so they can get out of their own way.

Beginning back when I was child psychic, and eventually figuring myself out and knowing that I’m meant to be A Creator, Messenger, Healer & Guide-I’m only allowed to censor myself so much since I’m meant to help people-I have to put myself out there-I find myself in spaces where I may initially want to stay, “anonymous” but I’m guided to speak up and deliver myself-regardless of what the reception may be.

When I am guided to share with an individual or the masses-I’m not allowed to care what they think.

That might sound weird, but it’s exactly how it is for me.

No matter how I may feel about whatever information or messages, channeling’s or writings, artwork, music etc that comes through me and if I’m guided to share it-even if I don’t want to-I have to. I really don’t have a choice.

I’m reminded not to care how it lands on people, the fact that I’m getting messages means that there’s a purpose. My shyness doesn’t matter. My knee-jerk reaction to stay quiet and anonymous and live a tiny life went out the door when I stepped into the truth of my purpose and reality.

Now I’ve gotten really good at this because of doing it for so long, being out there on a wire and constantly being judged as a con-artist for just being what I am-everything I do and say gets scrutinized and there’s real prejudice with people when it comes to people like me. Check out the article I wrote about that here:

If I’m called to write about something, or do a podcast, or set up a Live on YouTube to discuss a particular Spiritual or Metaphysical subject it’s because someone out there needs to hear it.

Other times it just feels very self-exposing to share information because that information means that I am “this or that” or I believe “this or that” but it’s not about me and what people may think of me.

The messages and information I am called to share are not my ideas, it’s what I’m to share with people. Those are their Messages.

It makes it easier to separate my responsibilities as a Messenger from being a scared human who doesn’t want to be ridiculed.

My job is to give messages, not to censor them, not to babysit people’s levels of feelings and awareness and understanding of the greater picture. If I censor myself and the messages, then I’m doing a crappy job as The Messenger.

Photo by Simon Migaj

Being A Creator/Messenger

I didn’t sign up for this consciously, I was born this way. I was born into this. A lot of us are.

1st Soul Code Rule: Realize you’re A Creator/Messenger and you are meant to share your creations. Stay inspired, creative and pay attention to messages.

Messengers come in many different types, some of us in multiple ways/abilities-but typically we call them “Creators” — people who create content for other people to consume/use. Writing, art, music, videos, food, an application, a program, training, etc. there’s so many ways we can create, these are just a few examples.

Some of us are meant to be the kind of Messenger that most people think of: “seers” that have professions as psychics, mediums, channelers, card readers, etc-but there’s many more Messengers than that.

Our Universe created Messengers to be “heard” on multiple levels, so the way you’re A Messenger, and how you process and give Messages may be different than how I do-but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re both Messengers.

If you’re A Messenger you’re also very much into natural & self EXPRESSION and it’s more about being led, getting sudden inspiration, and for many they have “no idea where it came from” whether it was a painting or a script or a poem or a piece of music or a structure. You are taken by the energy and you must write, draw, paint, dance, sing-or else!

Messengers are channelers pulling information from the matrix of energy that is all around us. Guides sending frequencies, messages to The Messenger, and they are receiving Divine Information-EVEN if it doesn’t seem that way-our Souls and our Guides are always in communication with us-regardless of our awareness of them. Sometimes it’s easier than others.

If you’re A Messenger, then you can’t help yourself. Images, ideas, visions, dreams and energies come in that inspire you to create, to get out of bed and write that story or that piece of music, to write the perfect line to make your audience laugh or cry.

That creation is to spark more in yourself and something in others.

Photo by Tobias Bjørkli, Quote Edit by Infiniti

There’s A Reason We’re Here

2nd Soul Code Rule: Know you are here for a purpose-the path is forever unfolding and revealing itself-allow for discovery.

It takes us Incarnates to get things done in the world-in the physical world, with the help of our Guides & Guardians on the other side (and on this side).

We’re not just sitting here willy-nilly with nothing on the agenda. Our lives have purpose and meaning and a “to do” list. Even if we’re clueless about what that entails or fully entails, the understanding, knowing and accepting that you have a purpose is HUGE-it will free you up-a lot.

Even if you don’t really know what your purpose is, just knowing that you aren’t here randomly will get you into alignment with your truth, on the road to remembering and connecting with your Soul.

We were born into bodies to live particular lives and do particular things. That’s why we’re here. Soul Missions.

It’s true that much of the time we are searching for how to do that job, or Mission-the Prime Missions and the Sub-Prime Missions. For those of us who are Creators & Messengers, what the message is and how/whom to deliver it to-and trying not to get in the way of it-needs to be a priority.

These things are weaved together for a reason, the messages, who they are for, how they get them and how it evolves is sometimes obvious in the moment and sometimes it takes a while to make the connection.

We cannot get in the way of what’s to come out because we are in fear of what others may think of us or the work itself.

We also have to understand that we need to be open to incoming information and messages from others as well.

Photo by Skitterphoto

All of what I just wrote about myself, Empaths, being psychic, Incarnate Messengers, Missions & Purpose is a perfect example of what I was guided to write about as messages for the masses and how I can’t care what you think about any of those facts, the truths of what I am, what I know about myself and the rest of us.

It’s not my business. More on that with the 4th Soul Code Rule.

The point here is that as someone who is meant to share information-whether it’s one on one with a client or in a publication or on video or a podcast-it’s meant to get out there and my job is to get it out there and not get in the way.

Again-that can be easier said than done. We critique ourselves on many levels and we fear others will do the same.

Fear is the big monster we all battle. If we entertain the many ways that fear can manipulate a situation in our head-we can be entertained for a very long time.

Photo by TheDigitalArtist — 202249

Holding Back

If there’s a real question about what you need to or should share, where it’s coming from or why, or what your own true motives are-then it’s better to wait and give it some time before you put it out there. See how you feel about holding onto it.

3rd Soul Code Rule: How does your body feel about it? Your body is your dashboard. There’s all sorts of diagnostics to check in with.

When it comes to “being guided” it’s all about feeling the knowing. So when it comes to our trepidation about putting something out there-no matter how big or how small the creation or message is-we need to decide what our problem is. Why do we want to hold back?

Are we hesitant because we’re in fear or because we’re really not in alignment with the message? Are we just acting out or being triggered in some way by the messages? Or is it that we’re just anxious at how they may be received?

Heart Check

There’s times when we have to make quick decisions about our Messages. Take a moment and do what I call a “heart check” ask your heart if this is the thing to do or not. Feel your body’s energy and how it feels, not how your inner child or your ego feels. They are usually scared and are all about self preservation-not jumping out into the unknown.

As A Messenger-you have to know who to check in with and when to dive. Your body is the best and nearest guide you have, so check-in with your body. You may even feel it in your chest/Heart Chakra as an opening and warm sensation when the answer is YES, or a tight or cold sensation when the answer is NO.

Here’s the thing about holding back things that you know need to come out-no matter what the situation is: if you don’t let it out-it doesn’t go anywhere. It just gets heavy.

Eventually the energy of the thing that needed to come out creates dissonance in your energetic field/your body-like a nagging feeling. Or suddenly the subject, the place or the persons name will pop into your consciousness-reminding you to do something.

We’ve all felt this, when you know you should have cleared something up, said something but you didn’t, started taking notes on something, send out that email, write that story, get to finishing that drawing or painting. And like a boomerang it just hangs there and flies back at you-and it just doesn’t go away. It makes you uncomfortable. You keep thinking about it.

So, if you’re holding back and you’re trying to figure it out-give yourself a few hours, a day to let it sit. See how you feel about it sitting. Is it better there with you now and forever, or should it really move along into the Universe through you?

Sometimes we feel this stronger than other times, but no matter what-we know when we’ve held back because we were afraid of an outcome.

However, there’s times we’re afraid because we know that The Message won’t be received well by someone, or the masses…

Photo by Akil Mazumder

When Knowing Tells You: It Won’t Go Over Well

As a Psychic Empath, it gets tricky when I really know how people feel-regardless of what they are saying-and I have to give them information they don’t want and will not like. Uh-oh. But you don’t have to be psychic to know when you have to give messages that won’t go over well-regardless of how truthful they are.

I wasn’t put here to be a censor, I was put here to be A Messenger.

4th Soul Code Rule: Their feelings are not my business. Their acceptance or denial of me, my Creations or Messages doesn’t validate or invalidate me or them.

Many times people behave dramatically because I have hit a truth they don’t want to deal with.

Being a good Spiritual Liaison, Psychic Advisor means that I can’t get distracted by your reaction to the messages and let that sway my connection or interpretation of the messages.

I can’t let myself get mixed up in how you or anyone else feels about anything that I’m being guided to tell them or put out to the masses. If I don’t get to have an opinion about it, then I really can’t let yours stop me.

It helps when it’s the public, at the same time I know the entire world isn’t paying attention. Sometimes dealing with one person is more difficult.

There’s been more than a few times when I’ve been working as a Spiritual Advisor and I know the information I’m receiving is not going to land on them with acceptance, but there’s nothing I can do about that. The messages need to be delivered.

I just have to hand it over as delicately as I’m being guided-so they hear me-and hope that whatever truths I’m being told to discuss, the person will receive it with an open heart and use the information to their betterment-because that’s why they are getting the information to begin with. To help them.

I have had to understand that even if in the moment the person is upset or doesn’t hear the message, that a seed was planted and that they will be guided to allow for the truth to unfold for them the way that it’s meant to.

Messengers Mantra:

It’s really not any of my business how it is received or managed by the other person/people. That’s their business.

Let’s review-we all get scared or feel like we need to hold back, but we must recognize when that’s to help us or hinder us.

Follow these steps to keep yourself authentic and in the truth of your messages & creations, and remember

no one can cancel you

people can decide they don’t want to engage with you, but-that’s their business.

Your business is being as authentic as possible, keeping yourself balanced in your body, knowing that you aren’t holding back, you are creating and delivering, while separating fear, the need for approval and any outcome from what you are meant to do as a Creator & Messenger.

Recap: The 4 Rules

1st Soul Code Rule: Realize you’re A Messenger/Creator and you are meant to share your creations. Stay inspired, creative and pay attention to messages.

2nd Soul Code Rule: Know you are here for a purpose-the path is forever unfolding and revealing itself-allow for discovery.

3rd Soul Code Rule: How does your body feel about it? Your body is your dashboard-There’s all sorts of diagnostics to check in with. Heart Check.

4th Soul Code Rule: Their feelings are not my business. Their acceptance or denial of me, my Creations or Messages doesn’t validate or invalidate me or them.

I truly hope these Soul Code Rules frees you up to be the Creator & Messenger that you are.

About Infiniti

A photo of Infiniti

I am Infiniti, The Real-Deal “Faerie Godmother”, High Council Divine Archangel Incarnate — Channel and Vessel for Mother Earth GAIA, The Archangels and Ascended Masters. Together, we heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth.

I am mystically designed to magnetize Soul Family: Empaths & Lightworkers find my divinely guided, multidimensional, magical, sacred space who are ready to evolve.

Divine alchemist, creator, messenger and Other-World Walker, I activate and maximize Soul Connection and Life Force through multileveled energetic healing, spirit-walk meditation, energy transmutation, spiritual reconnections, remembrance, acknowledgement, integration, assimilation, and intentional evolution.

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The Healing

My magical & miraculous story, your healing & transformation:
My Faerie

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Infiniti 🦋
Queen’s Children

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.