A Finite Meadow of Daisies

The infinite world of the stars

Deborah Barchi
Queen’s Children


Photo by Visual Stories || Micheile on Unsplash

The stars like clusters of diminutive daisies
in a wild meadow left unmown
draw my eyes to their bright abundance.

How numberless they seem, the daisies and the stars.
Yet if I fell to my knees and pledged not to rise
until I had counted every flower, I could with great difficulty do so.

The stars forever beyond my groping fingers
I cannot hope to count, no matter my determination
or how compulsive my desire.

I might brush against the golden center of a daisy
and like a blundering bee spread a fleck of pollen.
But I cannot stroll through the stars to touch their burning core.

Except in my mind where dreams and poetry reside ,
surrendering to a kind of unreason and rapture
enough to seed a field of flowers and eagerly number the stars.



Deborah Barchi
Queen’s Children

Deborah Barchi has recently retired from her career as a librarian and now has time to read, explore nature, and write poetry and essays.