Message From The Queen

She took me back to a time when our world was very different

Alexandra Blue
Queen’s Children


photo by the author

Our divine mother came to me in a dream as she quite often does.

She took me back to a time when our world was very different.

It was the 1980’s. The sun was golden and so was the light bathing everything in a gorgeous, nostalgic glow.

She reminded me of how much more connected everyone was emotionally and how everything felt more “real".

She told me that our cell phones are making us mentally ill. We feel like we are making a connection with people on our phones but it is removed and cold. Clinical. It never satisfies our human need for love, affection and a sense of belonging to something bigger than us.

Our institutions of marriage and family which although constraining in some ways especially for women, have been destroyed. Now we have hookup culture and friends with benefits.

These are things that have always existed but for the minority. It does not serve us as a whole.

It leaves people broken and bitter, no longer able to give and receive love freely. People have turned cold and robotic like the sun has turned white and harsh.

