Relationship with Dragons: Prompt

Dragon Tales

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
5 min readNov 11, 2020


Photo by Tiraya Adam on Unsplash

…and how they hold a world in place.

I was asked about my relationship with dragons, recently, and while the tale spans lifetimes, the question turned my attention in their direction within this life.

I loved the Arthurian tales of red and the white dragons battling for supremacy over a land torn in twain. I love how that language seeps in, as I recall my love of dragons, rather than their misbegotten history as victims of patriarchal supremacy. All tales of Smaug aside, the dragon lines {ley lines} of the world hold us, and all that supports us, together.

“What lies west of Westeros?” ~ G.O.T.

The dragons know, for there they live and breed. Beyond the known worlds, there they be.

Dragons show up as emissaries of the Oneness, when our circuitry needs an upgrade, when we venture too close to an opening that beckons or banishes, or when our sense of things vibrates within their sphere. And, sometimes, if we let them, they change our course.


“The dream changed above my head, into a perfectly square opening with golden-yellow…



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.