The score of my life: prompt

“Ain’t You a Man?”

The injunction to boys about emotions

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2020


Photo by Esther Ann on Unsplash

Our culture does not encourage boys to express their emotions, once adult, the man often perpetuates the situation without any inner work. Emotions are mainly allowed to girls and women : this is what our society tells in subtext messages.

As a pre-teen, we feel separated from girls and as a boy I did not know how to communicate with them. I remember I had a crush for a beautiful girl with a white transparent skin. I kept an eye on her every time I happened to cross her way.

Once I try to talk to her but she got afraid of me and she cried.

As a teenager, I was fascinated by girls. When I entered 10th Grade, we were for the first time with girls. With a male friend, our creativity exploded with poems, as we discovered André Breton and the surrealistic poets. We listened to rock music (Led Zeppelin, Beatles, King Crimson, Jimi Hendrix…). We had great fun, joking throughout the year but as the year finished, my friend was kicked out of school.

I went on writing, taking countless notes and writing many bits of stories and poems.

When I met my first real girlfriend, I was passionate about her. Her Sun in Cancer was on the exact degree of natal Moon and…



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)