An Inspiration to Dinner

Feeding others is like feeding your spirit.

Maryam Ismail
Queen’s Children
2 min readNov 27, 2021


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Every time my friend, JJ comes over, she brings her own snacks-chips, biscuits, and juicy juices. It’s so funny to me. She also brings her kids who have no interest in kale and strawberry smoothies, plain popcorn, or any other of our lame snacks. They are real connoisseurs of the in-between-meals- specialties.

We are not. We, my daughters and I, that is, are the Master Chefs of the block. When, our stomachs rumble for a Scooby snack, we bust out the flour and yeast, and make a whole pizza or smash a few potatoes and roll out some gnocchi, or roast an entire cauliflower with garlic and olive oil and make a dressing for it. JJ’s kids don’t want that, they’ll take a few bites and move on to playing Legos or chasing my cat.

JJ and I are in a sort of unspoken competition-this is to share something of ourselves. I provide the company and my space, she brings the snacks. We feed each other in our own ways. Yet, she wins every time, because, as the Prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“The best of you are those who feed others,” and she feeds us too.

So, this is an invitation, regardless of what you believe, to be the best. Invite someone to share a meal, a snack, or a coffee and cake. It will not only do the other person good, but you will feel great as well.

Oh, this is inspired by Jean Carfantan who’s piece about imbalance in the world, stuck with me. Then, while reading Making Sense of the Portents of the Hour, by Shaikh Muhammad Ismail al-Muqqadim, who says, we should use the time we have on earth to do as much good as we can. Finally, Justiss Goode’s confession about her promise to do better for those editors who were gracious enough to add her to their publications because, like me, we neglect to submit work to them.

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Maryam Ismail
Queen’s Children

New School for Social Research Alum, MA in Sociology and Historical Studies.