
between two worlds . . .

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


Photo by Lorenzo Moschi on Unsplash

Our feet in two different worlds . . .
one in the lower vibrational 3D world. . .
and the other in the higher vibrations of 5D.

In this great transition of life on planet Earth
during the final ascension of Mother Gaia
— (and of her children with her) —

we are advised to rise above the chaos
that appears daily all around us
in the lower vibrations illusory reality
of the 3D matrix that is the only reality
we have ever known during this Earth visit.

The reality of 5D is not yet known to us,
as ‘the lower cannot know the higher
. . . but ‘the higher can know the lower’.

We are indeed much known and loved
by those many Beings in the higher realms

but only metaphysical experience can
make possible our knowledge of them
and what awaits us in the world of 5D
in a future that only faith can reveal to us
in this present moment of two worlds.

It is truly a magical world of spirituality
that many of us have embraced by going
within to listen to the voice of…



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.