made of flowers
Made of flowers and seduction,
a reflection of a man’s desire,
Blodeuwedd, one day,
Awakens her true nature,
Ruining the house of cards
Built around her.
As a maiden she marries Light
And becomes a woman.
As a queen she marries Shadow.
Then as a crone she is a owl
And finds in darkness her wisdom.
And now like in many stories
Written in the Mabinogion,
The year has come full circle
With the four seasons of the Sun.
She is first the Spring Goddess
Then she goes through transformations
To be reborn in the cycle. She is the Land.
Although the story was written by Christian monks
Its meaning is kept under the words, for us, to pick it up.
Blodeuwedd is a Welsh Goddess from the Mabinogion.
My sources :