Ascending spirals

Circles of Life

The meaning of your life on this planet

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children
Published in
1 min readJun 9, 2020


Illustration by Jean Carfantan

You come from Eternity
And yet you belong somewhere,
involved in descending cycles.

First ascending in the child cycle
when you were just fed
With food, love and lineage.
Then as a teenager
You step out of the circle
Trying to re-create yourself
But still some soil remained
Under your soles.

You have not enough of your life
To heal your lineage and break
The chain of repeats, life spirals,
Finding gold in the transmitted slag.

This is your very tool for growing,
Your collective contribution lift you up.
Your soul followed the thread and
Got a reward at the end of each circle.

Now you understood your past meaning
It is time to help other souls you meet,
And transmit, their way, what you got
When they are ready to receive it.

From student you become a teacher
And you go on learning and giving
In the infinite spirals of Consciouness.



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)