prompt: worlds aroused

Different meetings with Mantis Beings

Prejudice and fear before bliss

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2021


Photo by Valery Rapovets on Unsplash worked on by the author

I was so eager to know about my stellar connections, I called my galactic family, out of ignorance. I was wide awake. So appeared in 4D a neon blue Mantis. I was so scared that I asked him to get out of my view in the name of the Source.

This week, I was being under hypnosis and had a good connection with my Higher Self. The hypnotist asked me to go where I was before my incarnation and I saw a consciousness that sustained the world with so much wisdom and without any effort. Here in this density, we do so much effort to get anything. But there, it is unknown, All Is. There were crystal buildings in a higher density too.

On Gaia TV, I heard Elizabeth April channeling Khan, a 12th density Mantis. Khan is an overseer of the universe, of this matrix. He incarnates himself many times simultaneously to teach lessons, Elizabeth April spoke of a little boy in somewhere in the Middle East being killed at 6 by an abusive driver whose aim was to teach a lesson to the driver and allow his devastated family to be able to clean some karma.

I remember during a Psilocybe session hearing some clicking from an entity — Mantis — , I was uncomfortable and ignorant. Elizabeth April said that every time you



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirator, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to.