Five Primordial Creatures of the Divine Feminine

Charlotte Eléa
Queen’s Children
Published in
6 min readMar 17, 2022


Invoke these sacred beings to reclaim lost codes of the goddess.

Photo by Sebastian Spindler on Unsplash

The Divine Feminine has been woven into the natural world since the oceans, forests and mountains formed upon our planet and gave birth to life.

She is the feminine aspect of God, which is present within all of us (not just women), as well as, the earth Herself.

The feminine face of the divine, who teaches us to find the goddess within our own blood and bones, was purposefully forgotten and buried for the past three thousand years or more.

We are currently at an incredible moment in human evolution where we are unearthing the ancient and powerful codes of the goddess, and reclaiming them as part of our nature.

These five primordial creatures of the earth contain the codes that teach us how to be divinely human — a living goddess of heaven and earth.

1. The Serpent (Darkness)

The serpent brings us into the primordial womb of darkness from whence we came. Spiral patterns adorned the cave walls of the most ancient human civilizations, signifying the journey of life and death, creation and destruction.

The serpent signifies the movement of creative energy that is awoken in the dark of a woman’s womb and the…



Charlotte Eléa
Queen’s Children

Spiritual guide, priestess and healer, transmuting fate into destiny. Awakening divine feminine codes and writing about it.