Flower Essence #5 Green Bells of Ireland

For embracing Nature and the senses, “ascending” to the Here and Now

Orianna Nienan
Queen’s Children


Image courtesy of MrsBrown on Pixabay and resized by author

I recently read David Price’s story The Fifth Dimension. I was so pleased to see an article so aligned with my own views of Nature and the Earth. In particular, I loved this quote about the current shift we are experiencing:

“The shift is a relocation of the sacred from the heavens to the earth, from the cosmic realm, to the realm ‘below.’”

When spiritual people think about and talk about the phenomenon of Ascension, it is possible to think of ascending to go somewhere else. But what if we need to “ascend” in consciousness to be right here? To recognize where we are and what is all around us? David says,

“We desperately need humans with clearer vision of where they are in relation to Creation and what the consequences of their actions are.”

Rather than focusing on an afterlife and what happens “later,” let us turn our full attention to the Here and Now. I have a mentor who once said to me, “your power is your presence.” When we can be fully present, we can access all aspects of ourselves. It is…

