Get Stronger By Embracing Our Weakness

Discovering and expressing the true strength within us

Esther George
Queen’s Children
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2021


Focus half-face closeup photography of female’s green eye
Photo by Jan Krnc from Pexels

A strong woman — one who faces challenges, stands up for herself, keeps pushing her limits, and always exhibits a healthy dose of courage in order to better her life and sharpens her mind.

That’s the picture of a strong woman. One whom I’ve aspired to become and have learned to maintain for many years.

I grew up in places where I had to prove my resilience for fear that someone might laugh or ridicule me because of what they might see in me. The world that I saw through my lens was always better, happier, more acceptable, and loved than the one I was living in. Fear of being discovered pushed me further and harder down the road to compensate for the truth that I wasn’t good enough to live up to the charade.

Layer by layer, brick by brick, I learned to put up walls around me. Insecurity and a chronic lack of self-confidence caused me to become hard and cold simply because I believed exposing my emotions and feelings will get me nowhere. Don’t even talk to me about vulnerability because that has weakness written all over it and besides, putting it all out into the world fixes nothing, except inviting unfavorable attention.



Esther George
Queen’s Children

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.