How I’m Learning to Discern — and Live with — Some Ugly Truths

Junk mail we can delete. But sometimes the universe makes deliveries we can’t

Jenine Bsharah Baines
Queen’s Children


My wild man. Copyright by Jenine Bsharah Baines

My partner Gary and I rented our house because of its expansive gardens and sprinkler system.

Our last rental was equally expansive but had no landscaping — a friend deemed it a “moonscape” — and no sprinkler system. Two years later, Project Terraform completed, I’d come to dread summer.

I wish climate change = Los Angeles turning tropical but, alas, the only thing pouring between May and October in Southern California are fireballs from the heavens.

Emails to our landlord, gently suggesting that a great way to reimburse us for increasing his property value would be to install some kind of mechanized watering system, went unanswered. Ergo, last March, Gary and I moved.

Our first full day in our new place, LA shut down; and my daughter Emily gave birth to my first grandchild.



Jenine Bsharah Baines
Queen’s Children

J…Jen…Jeni…Jenine... Proper names are poetry in the raw. (W.H. Auden) Poet, singer, seeker, hippie grandmother gleefully revealing herself