I Am So Very Thankful

. . . for something that I know

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children


Photo by Clyde He on Unsplash

I have so very much
for which to be thankful!

My thankfulness is
for something that
the vast majority of
humanity would call
. . . ‘illusionary’

— (well, if there isn’t
such a word, I’ve just
created it; after all,
there is ‘visionary’
. . . right?)

I am thankful that I can
see through different eyes
what most people cannot
see or know at this time

I know that COVID has
been used as a portal
for planet Earth and
her humanity to finally
return home . . .
after eons of time and
many lives of preparation

Though with appearances
to the contrary, this is a
fact that I know . . .
and for which I am
most thankful!

Author’s Note: This was originally a response to a prompt on ‘Thankful’
that was rejected because it was “against the guidelines” of a certain
spiritual publication. The information comes from many other…



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.