I am The Fire

What is your element?

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children


Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Like witches of old, I believe each one of us is attuned to one of the elements. You may go through the whole of your life never understanding why you chose the path you’re on. But if you take a step back — you will see the pattern form.

I have embraced Fire for as long as I can remember. My homes all had a wood stove or fireplace of some sort. My personality is warm and bright — I can warm a room or turn the whole damn thing to charcoal. I can’t even tell you the number of bridges I’ve burned to ashes — with zero regrets.

One of my oldest friends is water. She is more comfortable when she has a vessel to hold her. And yet — her strength is subtle, constant. I have known her to patiently wear away obstructions in her path. She quietly forges new tributaries in her life. She ebbs and flows with the tides. She has always lived near a body of water as well. Ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams — it mattered not. Only that it was near.

The other three elements are earth, air, and ether. And I have Humans in My Life who resonate with every single one. However, it matters not what element you embrace — the trick is in the balancing.

We don’t want to be so grounded in earth that we still and stagnate. We don’t seek to be so immovable that transformation never occurs. Alternatively, living in…

