Intransigent Integrity

Lori McCray
Queen’s Children
Published in
Nov 19, 2020

Won’t be talked out of what it knows, even without proof, even lacking words to describe or explain it, even without charts and graphs and images, or one tangible example. Knowing comes from the soul, not a spreadsheet. Knowing is soft and sacred, essentially intelligent, kind, courageous, tender-hearted truth. Knowing would never manipulate or deceive for profit. Knowing needs nothing from anyone, but every now and then, a friend comes along and says, “I know that, too!” and in that moment, there is joy and recognition and integrity.

LBM 11/19/2020

Photo mine, not sure how this fits the words but it spoke to me. We all stood at the fence a long time to see the little one walk, but it took longer than anyone had time for. Still, we had faith it would do so.



Lori McCray
Queen’s Children

Photographer, Poet, Musician, Mother, Mystic, Gardener, friend of wild creatures, swan whisperer. Find me on Flickr: