Karma Is Indifferent to You

Louise Foerster
Queen’s Children
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2020


She really and truly doesn’t care.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

It’s only from this here and now that I can look back on the there and then.
With hard-won perspective and sweaty browed panting at the top of the climb.

I was promised unicorns.
Or, at the very least, red-soled stilettos with authority, power, and awesome powers.

That’s not what I got.
What I got is something far better, more wondrous, and more powerful:

Karma is not a bitch.
Your petty triumphs and revenge fantasies will have to do without her.

Karma has better things to do.
She and her sisters are busy creating, destroying, imagining and dreaming.
There are real lives at stake here, real universes and strings to strum.

Simplistic cause and effect delivered with tight-jawed righteous isn’t her way.
What goes round does come round, but not in predictable, rote ways.

Live long enough and watch with open heart and wonder
As Karma weaves complex, interwoven strands of stunning beauty.

This one did him wrong — only now, years later, is the entire truth emerging.
That one pulled cons so…



Louise Foerster
Queen’s Children

Writes "A snapshot in time we can all relate to - with a twist." Novelist, marketer, business story teller, new product imaginer…