Labels & Other Lies

Recognizing The Oneness

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children


A lot of Humans have labeled themselves one thing or another throughout their lives. They have self-identified with various groups of individuals who share their common label. They have pledged their lives to exclusionary edicts. They have embraced the notion of “Other”. They have sought to divide and conquer Humanity rather than unify it.

In These Days it has become even more obvious and relevant that not all of us seek the same solutions or follow the same philosophy. There has been plenty of hurt to go around in the last year and a bit thanks to COVID. But in reality, we have to acknowledge, the roots of this unrest had us in their hold for many millennia.

We are trained as children to sort our world by color, shape, etc, and then label it. We are taught everything we encounter in our existence has a label. And a sub-label. And another label after that one. For instance: a dog isn’t his howl, his fur color, his parentage, or his ear shape. The label dog encompasses all of that and more. But yet is somehow distinguishable from the label wolf — even though dogs and wolves share all the same sub-labels.

With this example in mind — think of all the Humans in your life. Think of all the sub-labels you’ve applied to them, or that they’ve applied to themselves. Think of All. The. Ways. we divide…

