Let the Soul Soar

. . . so that it can sing!

Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2020


The soul wants to both soar and sing!

If the soul is not allowed to soar
it will have no voice to be able to sing.

The soul came to this Earth planet to experience
in manifested form for the Father-Mother God Creator.

As a Spark of Divinity of the Creator, the soul is here
to experience, learn, grow and evolve in a human form.

If that form keeps the soul grounded in lower 3D
vibrations, the soul will be imprisoned in limitations.

The soul needs the higher frequencies for freedom
from the limitations imposed by only normal outer being.

It is the inner life expressed outwardly that allows the soul
the freedom to soar — and then can the soul joyfully sing!

Remember that happiness can be known
to the outer life of the human personality…

but joy belongs to the realm of the soul —
and when there is joy, there is a voice to sing!

Thank you, Jean Carfantan, for the Attachment prompt
and the inspiration of ‘What the Soul Wishes Coming Here?’.



Beth Stormont
Queen’s Children

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.