My Leverage: prompt

Life Is An Echo

Ann Litts
Queen’s Children
3 min readAug 20, 2020


Times Three

Photo by Mike Szczepanski on Unsplash

When I was an OR nurse I lived a much more stress-filled life. The career suited me and I adored it. In spite of the high technical skills and crazy hours — not to mention the physical and mental strength needed to work each shift.

It was the best J.O.B. I’ve ever had for the Human I was at the time. I didn’t even mind not eating lunch, getting pee breaks, or taking call.

And then one day I realized I wasn’t that person anymore. Time had changed me. I found myself struggling with frustration — physical, emotional, and spiritual every single day. I dreaded Monday with all of my being. The scent of burnout followed me wherever I went.

My Ah-Ha moment came one day as I realized the worse my mood was — the worse my day would be. And that echo of pain I sent out into the world didn’t just affect me — it affected everyone/everything around me.

It meant equipment that always bent to my will would suddenly act up and refuse to work. It meant jokes I made fell flat and offended my co-workers. It meant I would get the add-on case. It meant at least one of my patients would not ‘behave’ under anesthesia and I would be calling a code before the shift was done.

