The Healing | Medicine Journey

Magic Mushrooms, A Shaman & Mother GAIA

Infiniti 🦋
Queen’s Children
12 min readMay 12, 2021


Canva Project by Infiniti

The darkest places bring you into The Light.

Magic Mushrooms are quite remarkable. Thinning the veil and allowing us to peak through or open ourselves into a sliver of reality that we don’t get to normally be a part of.

I use them as medicine, not as a party drug. I wait until I get the push from my Guides & Guardians to “go there”. Over the last few months, it’s been a monthly adventure.

I felt that coming on right before Mother’s Day, but it didn’t hit until the day after yesterday, May 10, 2021.

I spent Mother’s Day working on extremely in-depth general Tarot & Oracle readings.

GAIA came in to tell me that she, our Great Mother GAIA had Divine Feminine messages to give to those who were guided to receive.

Even though I work with GAIA regularly, and she is the one who really directs my work, that day was very intense. The energies coming through from her were as though she was sitting right next to me, and even though I have channeled her often, in private and in Live Meditations, that day she had a completely unique energy coming through.

Yesterday I woke up knowing that I would be headed into the unknown.

After taking care of work business and home business, eating and gearing up for the unknown and what was coming — I was ready at 2 P.M.

I went to my jar of medicine and like usual, after eyeing them for a minute, I know exactly which one(s) are calling me. This time it was one whole mushroom and a cap about 1.5 inches in diameter. More than I’ve done in the past, but that was the guidance.

My favorite place to experience mushrooms and this kind of deep connection with Spirit, my Soul and my Guides & Guardians is the shower/bath. I view these times as a deep healing session for myself, and whoever comes through to connect with me.

I should point out here that I’m used to diving through the veil. I go there often.

I am a Shaman, Mystic, Medical Medium, Psychic Physical Empath, Distance Energy Healer, Channel, Medium, Ascension Coach, Spirit Liaison and Divinely Guided Artist. I am always connected to the other side.

When I use medicine, I’m always prepared for all or one of them to come through for me, I’ve had crowded meetings with many of The High Council present as I ascend into and through the veil.

Those like The Archangels, Mother Earth GAIA, Ascended Masters like Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Merlin, and Ganesha to name a few, as well as the personal guides to the clients I work with.

I stepped into the shower at 2:20, still hadn’t felt the effects yet.

It can take up to about 45 minutes, but I have taken them and quickly started feeling it about 10 minutes later. I have no idea what affects the timing, and the progression can be quick and intense, or a slow burn and after the initial hit, they will roll their way through again and again.

I know they are beginning to hit when I start yawning. I don’t know why that happens, but it always happens. Big yawns, one after the other, and it’s not about being tired — it’s just a thing.

The yawns began about 5 minutes into being in the shower.

Uh-oh…Here we go.

It’s definitely a free-fall feeling because you don’t know what’s going to happen.

This time was like no other.

A few months ago I got visions and downloads about my son and me, profound insight into our lives, all the way back before his birth. What set it up, and what it was all about, how things were for him from the start — there was a lot I never knew of both light and darkness. After that trip, I knew why and how to move forward.

I’ve had GAIA come in and share my body with me, and tell me all sorts of things. Talking through me, to me, offering golden nuggets of insight on me, the collective and her perspective on all of it.

It’s always different what happens with her…

I’ve been taken into The Akashic Records, and received visions and downloads about a past life-clearly seeing more about that story than I would have ever imagined, and it was very different from when I meditated to connect to The Akashic Records.

I had been dealing with working on healing my abundance blocks and money wound — almost everyone has one-click here for a healing meditation for abundance & the money wound.

I saw the beginning of a story that I would be playing out over the lifetimes to come after.

Through that trip, I found out about the deep wounds of love, abandonment, lack, family betrayal. Things I’ve experienced in this lifetime and how it’s all tied in — woven through lifetimes — it was all waiting for me to find it in this lifetime, and heal it on all levels.

I even know what my name was in that life, Ling Xi Zhou. To say that it was extremely profound, healing, and most of all — necessary for my development personally and professionally in the now, is a huge understatement. It was beyond healing, and I’m so grateful to have made those discoveries.

This time I had no idea what to expect. Anything could happen.

I didn’t have anything particular going on for me to look into, no particular questions or anything I wanted to work on healing.

I just knew I needed to go there and see what happened. Whatever it was, I felt the pull.

I was told to stop the shower and start filling the bath as that uncomfortable body feeling began to take over, like being sucked into a drain… Leaving here, going there.

It’s somewhat like when you are on the ascension of that first big drop on a roller coaster. You’re moving up, and then you know you’re going to drop. The anticipation makes you wonder where you’re going, and your body begins to shake and shiver, literally — as the mushrooms take hold.

I was guided to add my mix of herbs and bath salts to the water, and much to my amazement — it made that anxiousness disappear as soon as the herbs and salt hit the water. I’ve never experienced that before. Instant calm. WOW.

Lay back, I heard my guides coming in.

The hot water taking over my entire body felt better than I can ever describe. There was nowhere else I would have wanted to be — but that didn’t last very long.

Before I knew it shrieks and screams were coming from me. My eyes getting big and I wondered what was happening.

Then I felt her. GAIA.

She was coming in, and it was like never before.

Thank you for being here, Dear One…I am grateful for you.

More screams.

In my mind, directly to her, I asked what was happening.

She repeated that she was grateful for me, for being who I was and that I can bring her into the physical world in a very different way than how she is normally. As I said, she’s come into my body so many times — but never have I felt this.

Quickly, the screaming changed to crying. And the crying morphed to bawling.

GAIA! What is this? What is all of this pain?

I’ve never reacted like this, and I’ve never felt this before.

I dropped F-bombs over and over again, it was all I could say. No other words could form or escape.

This is all that I know. To know is to feel. It is what I feel. To be The Great Mother is to feel-and to feel much pain.

The pain, hurt, anger, madness, depression, anxiety of my babies — all of you — feel. The pain that the animals feel, the trees and plants that have been destroyed, the realms of nature forever changed — all of the kingdoms of life upon me. Pain…

You’re feeling what I feel, and this is how it is expressed. I require this release, thank you, thank you.

My body shook as the screams and the crying only intensified, and I coughed and gagged.

I will use you to release much needed energy in my body.

Before your incarnation, you accepted this role and responsibilities of this life, of being chosen, and working to heal your brothers and sisters, as you know — and to help me as well. You have, and now I need you to do this for me.

I had no idea. She’s never showed me this before. It was the most overwhelming hurt and pain I’ve ever experienced — and it wasn’t mine.

Being a Psychic Physical Empath who’s of off the charts in abilities and sensitivities allows me to feel what others feel, emotionally and physically — exactly how they feel it.

But to feel her, and what she feels — all of it was the most overwhelming pain ever.

Don’t fight it, please. Let it flow through you, open up and let me cry.

Even as I write this I feel it, I am haunted by it — what was hers pouring through me.

I didn’t know anyone could cry so hard, I didn’t know my body could feel like that.

I don’t even know what that kind of crying is called. I’ve cried before, I’ve bawled before, I’ve wept before, but I’ve never, ever felt this.

I don’t believe there is a name for it. It was like I was flattened, blended, pulled apart and scattered.

My Soul cried with hers, and everyone else it touched. Feeling it with her, intertwined in the abyss of the pain, going deeper and deeper. When would it stop?

I wanted it to end. I begged for it to stop, but the more I did-the harder it came.

It felt like I was being tortured. I knew it wasn’t the case, this wasn’t meant to hurt me or punish me. The assault of pain was just beyond, and I wished to die, to pass out, to leave my body and escape it forever.

Thank you, thank you. Is all she said as she held me tight, and we dropped deeper into it…

Flashes of faces, places, experiences, and situations came rushing through. Visions of pain.

None of it mine, or about me. But it flowed through me like it was. The pain, the pain was so great.

It lasted a very long time. Over an hour and a half of the most intense emotional pain I could ever imagine, and I knew I had to endure. There was no option.

I was in it, and she was holding me as I cried for her. Literally.

Over and over I begged for it to stop, but it didn’t. It only strengthened it — as I was told.

I just kept going down this black hole of despair. Resistance only made it rush in harder, and eventually, I stopped begging for it to stop.

My everything was separate from my body, what it was doing, processing and experiencing — even though I felt it. Because it wasn’t mine, I could separate from it enough to take notes and talk to her through it.

My mind was clear because I understood.

I was talking to her even as I was experiencing the most intense emotions of my life. None of it was mine, but I felt all of it. Millions, billions of people and their pain.

How is this possible?

I’ve been a part of many “impossible” metaphysical events, but this was on a level that I wouldn’t think possible.

She was showing me how she cried for all that had ended, all that was beginning, all that was lost, and all that was found.

She cried for The Truth, and for all the lies.

She cried for how people love, and how they hurt each other.

She cried for what was destroyed, and what was created.

What was gone forever, and what was yet to be.

She cried for the misunderstanding of whom, and what she is — saying again and again how she and life here is misunderstood, and no one really understands her, or The Truth, or thinks about what it must be like for her to hold us all, that she feels us all — that she is the greatest Empath of all — soaking so much up for us.

Even I hadn’t thought of her or any of it this way — not the way she was showing me — and I knew her in a way that is so deep and intimate.

Now I know her like I know no one else.

Mother GAIA.

I’ve felt her profound connection with me and others in the healing I facilitate, how she is so precise on her information about each individual seems impossible, but it’s real.

She’s shown and shared so much with me over the years, but this was something else.

The day after Mother’s Day, after we had worked for hours together — here we were again, and I was seeing and feeling things through her that I didn’t think was possible — even for me.

And through it all I was being shown that I would write about it. Just as I am now. Even being dictated much of what I wrote here, and it stayed with me.

The crying with GAIA was not the only thing that happened in the trip, there was more. More connections, more questions and more answers.

To say that I felt like I was hit but a train, and in a weird in-between place when it was all said and done would be a massive understatement.

Maybe that’s just the way it works with medicine, no matter what, it always feels a bit disjointed, like you were there, but not.

My stomach ached from the coughing and retching, the nearly puking from crying so hard, the choking on my snot in my throat, coming up from my deep insides.

An experience that will never leave me as long as I live. I know I’m forever changed.

The rest of the night I felt the flashes of what to write, and remembering things she said, I woke up today it was all heavy on my mind.

Yet, I wondered about it.

Should I write and share this story? It could stay in my head, and I’d never forget a moment of it. Could I even convey what happened in the bathtub with GAIA? Would people get it? Maybe. Maybe not.

Much of what I do and share is beyond what most people would imagine, let alone live through.

As I sat here contemplating my next moves — to write or not to write — my eyes fell to my Dreams of GAIA Tarot, the deck I used on Mother’s Day. I felt that push from my Guides…

Take the one on the top.

No shuffling, just pick up the top card. Would you believe me when I tell you that the card I pulled was The Scribe? The 12th card of The Air group. This tarot is different that the tradition tarot, and truly magical.

Since this is a pretty new deck from me, I had never pulled The Scribe for any of the readings I’ve been guided to use it for — and there it was — right on top. The first time I ever see The Scribe is when I was just asking about writing this story.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

As you can imagine — The Scribe is all about writing down your life experiences and sharing them with the world when you are guided-not to hold back. To share your experiences, to put them down.

It was as clear as a message could be — yes, write about it. Share this experience with whoever is guided to it.

So, here it is — my experience with GAIA, and how she cried through me.

She wanted you to know that she feels you, all of you more than you could ever imagine — trust me.

She’s not just a dense, watery planet.

She has feelings-she is a Soul who’s ascended to a place where she can sustain and hold such a big family.

She moves the air that we breathe, and holds the water that gives us life — that connects us all.

She holds all the beings small, and large from every point and curve of her body.

If you think there’s any bit of love, happiness, or pain that she’s not aware of — think again.

She wants you to love and be good to yourself, to each other and to her — we are one family — she is our Great Mother — who has known us through every incarnation — who feels everything we feel.

Know that it in your Soul.

Photo of Infiniti

About Infiniti

I am Infiniti, Incarnate for The Divine Archangel Gabriel, as such, I am a Channel and Vessel for Mother Earth GAIA, all The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer, Galactics, and Spirit Animals.

Together, we, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth of how spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you are.

As your Real-Deal “Faerie Godmother”, I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you that find me again through this multidimensional, magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.

We are SOUL FAMILY — Empaths, Lightworkers, Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.

My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with those of you who are ready to EVOLVE.

Read all about me, my magical & miraculous story of healing, and what I have to offer at

The Healing an open treasure chest of FREE informational resources, including free e-books, and my art.

Social Media : VERO @ Infiniti_963



Infiniti 🦋
Queen’s Children

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.