Maiden, Mother, Crone…

Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2020


Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

The QUEEN contains all of these

The Queen archetype is said to have been removed from the Sacred Feminine Trinity, an omitted and powerful phase between Mother and Crone. SHE disagrees, laughing at we infants who attempt to box and label HER nature.

Consider the archetype of the Queen of Heaven, often referenced as Mother Mary. Before she was a mother she was a maiden, sovereign unto herself. Anointed by angels, she gave birth to Enlightened Embodiment. {The books are teaching stories, beloveds.}

Motherhood elevated her, in human eyes, to Divine status. What’s up with that? The Goddess is life-giving, certainly. All. Of. Life. And HER inherent value is not only in giving birth to whoever and whatever domination demands. This, too, shall pass. As the world turns, it learns, however slowly.

We never see the Crone, the Sage, as part of the Queen of Heaven archetype, this aspect of the Goddess whose name, “Mary,” is a title, translating to “the Tower,” and “…of the Sea.” Tower of strength, as in the power behind all sovereignty, not only the “power behind the throne.” Sea as in the Infinite Sea of Creation. Is not true power, the power of Divine Love, enfolding of all aspects of Trinity? Is it not the One within all three?



Nalini MacNab
Queen’s Children

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.